Sunday, 1 December 2024

Tom's December Holiday Events

~ Prep and decorate @ Lisa's
Tree time!

~ Decorate the tree

~ It's a Wonderful Life screening, 7pm

~ A Christmas Carol @ Arts Centre

~ Ice sculpture contest

~ Dinner @ my place

~ Reindeer petting farm

~ Tree lighting

~ Take Ella to see 'Santa' at the Mall 

~ Christmas trivia at Irish Pub

~ Cookie bake-a-thon

~ Evening sleigh ride

~ Christmas carol sing-a-long

~ Help Ella make cardboard sled

~ Ice skating

~ Office Christmas party

~ The Nutcracker

~ Ella's cardboard sled race

~ Light ride

~ Dinner at Lisa's

~ It's Christmas!

"It takes faith to believe in the unknowable" (Tom)

"I'd rather be wrong having faith in something wonderful than wrong because I didn't have any faith" (Tom)

" The only difference between religion and Santa is that as we get older, religious grownups tell us that our faith was right all along. But they don't have proof either. They just tell us that the stories we believe are true. But with Santa, the grownups are there to tell you that the stories are not true" (Assan)

* Information taken from 'I Believe in Santa' * 

Antique Advent Calendar

1) Boots
2) Christmas tree
3) Nutcracker
4) Candy cane
5) Ice skate
6) Reindeer 
9) Caroler 
14) Christmas wreath
15) Three wise men
16) Christmas hat
25) Snowflake

527 Main St
Christmas 8pm

* Information taken from the film The Holiday Calendar *

The Many Names of Huang Qing Shin

My name is Santa and I own a year-round Christmas shop.

My name is Kitty and I work at a pet shop.

My name is Miso and I work at a health food shop.

My name is Muffin and I work at the bakery on Edgeware Road.

* Information taken from the 2019 film Last Christmas *

Friday, 1 November 2024

Favourite Cantonese music specials

1) 郭富城 音樂特輯2之希臘驚情

Circa 1992/1993.

Aaron Kwok in Athens with:

Michael Chow Man Kin (周文健)
Christy Chung Lai Tai (鍾麗緹)
Patsy Lau Yan Ling (劉殷伶)

Click here for video.

Tony Leung (梁朝偉) and Faye Wong (王菲) music special filmed in Perth, Australia featuring Lawrence Cheng (鄭丹瑞).

Click here for video.

Cantonese Chinese Phrases

Sai fong yan 西方人 westerner
Oi gok yan 外國人 foreigner
Gwok jik  國籍 nationality
Juong jook 種族 ethnicity

Hong Kong gor szer wui, jung gok yan dor /  香港嘅社會,中國人多 / in Hong Kong society, Chinese people are the ethnic majority / there are many Chinese people in Hong Kong society

Hau gumm 口感 mouth feel/texture

Yut yeen wai ding 一言為定 deal (this phrase is used when you've made an agreement or a plan)

Jeurng but pongg 象拔蚌 geoduck (seafood, clam that looks like an elephants trunk)

面, 係人哋畀. 架, 係自己丟.
面子系人家畀嘅,脸皮系自己丢嘅。自己首先要做好,人家先会给面你;如果自己做唔好,就会无面,咎由自取,不能怨人。(Respect is given by others/you need to earn respect, face is lost by yourself/shame is brought on by yourself).

Sangg yee hing luong 生意興隆 (when someone opens their new business you wish them a booming/successful business).

我讀得書少,你唔好呃我 I am not well educated, don't lie to me /don't try to trick me.

天氣凍呀,記住著多件衫呀 weather is getting cold, remember to wear more clothes

藕絲步雲履 (sunwukongs shoes)

婊子養的 (bastard)

草泥馬祖國 (fuck the motherland)

Wu lei jingg 狐狸精 fox spirit or slang for someone who likes to seduce married men

Kye gar por 契家婆 mistress

Tung tzi gwun til dan chong/ see gow dan dan 童子軍跳彈床 / Scout 彈 (rude slang for whatever / screw that)

See fut gwei / 屎忽鬼 (derogatory term for gay man, equivalent to arse bandit)

不大稱職的家嫂 (incompetent daughter in law)

食啲 清清哋 嘢 / sik dee ching ching dey yeah (eat something light and healthy)

乾炒牛河 (stir fried beef ho fun)

裙甩褲甩 / kwun lut foo lut (dress off, trousers off - when you've lost so many times when gambling, you even lose your clothes/leave without your dress/trousers)

* A compilation of phrases that the Domestic Goblin learnt over the years through other people, television or social media *

2nd Floor Back Suite / 二樓後座

曲/Music: 黃家駒/Wong Ka Kui  詞/Lyrics: 黃家駒/Wong Ka Kui  

Performed by: BEYOND

Music Video:

Lyrics in Chinese:

今天我 寒夜里看雪飘过
风雨里追赶 雾里分不清影踪

多少次 迎著冷眼与嘲笑
一刹那恍惚 若有所失的感觉




English Translation:

Tonight is bitter cold, I see snow fluttering by
With a deadened heart I set off on a long journey

My heart is freezing, my mind is wandering 

Rushing through the storm, uncertainty surrounded by mists 
Between the sky and ocean, will we change in this boundlessness 
No one can escape the changes
How many times have I faced ignorance and humiliation
Never have I given up my dreams and determination           
In a moment of distraction, a feeling of abstraction 
The love in my heart has faded without realization (Can anyone understand?)
Forgive my passion for freedom, and the untamed heart
Even someday I am also frightened, I could fall hard     

Never have I given up the ideal inside my mind
I too fear I might fall down someday
Abandoning the ideal -- everyone might do it  
Everyone has a choice to betray their beliefs           
Even if someday I have nothing but you, I wouldn’t be scared
I will always be the free spirit and proud,
I will forever sing my songs out loud,
I will walk nonstop across thousands of miles...

Tuesday, 1 October 2024

Gaborone Slang

Charlie teaches Mma Makutsi some modern words: 

Spinza = beer
Zaka = money 
Clipper = one hundred Pula note 
Chilla = relax
Bo-4 = police
Majita = guy
Brazene = brother
Frying pan = liar 

* Information taken from 'A Song of Comfortable Chairs' by Alexander McCall Smith *

Akiko cooks dinner for Tomoko

A wonderful meal of:
  • Glassine mung bean noodles served cold with crumbled bean curd and julienned vegetables in a tart savoury sauce
  • Sliced lotus root lightly fried with chilli peppers in peanut oil then steeped in soy sauce and mirin wine and finished off with a dash of Szechwan pepper
  • A sweet sesame goma air mad with steamed chrysanthemum leaves mildly bitter to off set the sweet
  • A piece of cod marinated for three days in sake and wild white miso then broiled until the skin was crisp but the insides were still succulent

* Information taken from My Year of Meat written by Ruth L. Ozeki *

Becky Thayer's B&B, Magnolia Springs

Sample dinner menu

Southern style filet mignon served with black eyed peas and a puree of collard greens.

Chicken fried steak orientale marinated in seasoned soy sauce the dipped in a delicate tempura-style batter made with free range eggs, cornmeal And Szechwan peppers.


Served with a salad garnished with nasturtiums and daylilies from the kitchen garden.

* Information taken from My Year of Meat written by Ruth L. Ozeki *

Sunday, 1 September 2024


What is this life if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.

No time to stand beneath the boughs
And stare as long as sheep or cows.

No time to see, when woods we pass,
Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass.

No time to see, in broad daylight,
Streams full of stars, like skies at night.

No time to turn at Beauty's glance,
And watch her feet, how they can dance.

No time to wait till her mouth can
Enrich that smile her eyes began.

A poor life this if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.

Written by William H. Davies

Rupert Aker - artist

The Domestic Goblin first heard about Rupert Aker (a Cotswold-based landscape painter) in April 2024 when she watched a YouTube video by Nicholas Burden aka Nicolas Fairford, talking about a lovely painting he had commissioned and was hanging majestically in his home.

Below are some examples of the colours Rupert uses in his impressionist paintings and the depth and texture he creates by painting oils with a palette knife.



The City of London from Hampstead Heath 

The City from Hampstead Heath 

Thatcher Rock, Torbay



Rika has dinner with Reiko and Ryosuke

~ Bagna Cauda served with a plentiful variety of steamed winter vegetables and a rich anchovy sauce.

~ Thinly cut slices of warmed salt pork.

~ Tofu and leek gratin.

~ Rice cooked in an earthenware pot with vegetables and chopped oysters.

~ Miso soup.

~ Dessert: homemade candied chestnuts; chiffon cake baked with amazakeband rice flour; and cups of gingery chai.

Victim statements

~ I've been lonely so long that if I can find a woman to take care of me when I'm old, I don't really care how ugly she is.

~ I'm not bothered about what she's like, so long as she' the domestic type who'll make me dinner.

~ She might be fat, but she's a real cosseted princess type. There's something unworldly Nd untouched about her.

Le Salon de Miyuko

~ A women-only cooking school set up by Miyuko Sasazuka in the affluent Nishi-Azabu district of Tokyo with fees starting from 15,000 yen per lesson.


~ In principle, all women should give themselves permission to demand good treatment.


~ P.S. I'm really curious about the recipe for the beef stew that you made for Mr Yamamura. I'd be delighted if you'd share it with me.


~ I learned from my late father that women should show generosity towards everyone. But there were two things that I simply cannot tolerate: feminists and margarine.


~ Add Echire butter and soy sauce to freshly cooked rice. Cool butter and warm rice. 

~ It tastes like you're falling.

~ It was a taste that could only be described as golden.


Tarako Pasta

~ Spaghetti with Calpis butter, pollock roe and shiso leaves.

~ Fish roe and butter makes for a truly exquisite pairing!

~ The blend of pink and fresh green puts me in mind of a countryside field in April.


Traditional izakaya dishes 

~ Braised burdock root
~ Edamame 
~ Atka mackerel
~ Tofu simmered in dashi


New Years Day food served in Tokyo Detention House

~ Ozoni soup
~ Red and white manju
~ Tiered bento box containing a selection of osechi
~ Deep-fried chicken
~ Nishime
~ Pork kakuni
~ Grilled fish
~ Simmered prawns
~ Kazunoko
~ Yokan
~ Datemaki
~ Pink and white kamaboko
~ Kuri-kinton
~ Kuromame
~ Fruit
~ Pure white rice 


Traditional dishes particular to the Niigata region 

~ Noppe (a simmered vegetable stew made with ratovabd shitake).

~ Hizunumasu (pickled cartilage from the salmon's head).


Dinner for One at Joel Robuchon 

~ Amuse bouche of lemon rind jelly
~ Bread and butter
~ Chilled avocado and snow crab topped with caviar and pomegranate seeds
~ Grilled foie gras accompanied by dried persimmons sauteed in butter
~ Flounder in white lemony sauce
~ Caramelised pork served with truffles and silky corn mash plus a popping candy surprise
~ Dessert: an Impressionist painting composed of fig confit and mascarpone, cakes, and coffee


Soup for indigestion made by Reiko

~ Scallions, daikon, goji berries and ginger.


Japanese bistro currently in vogue on the main Kagurazaka district

Healthy meals that use plenty of organic vegetables: 
~ Tofu caprese
~ Root vegetable ratatouille 
~ Brown rice paella with basket clams


Teppanyaki at Miyazaki

~ Water shield
~ White asparagus spears in white sauce 
~ A selection of grilled vegetables
Aged sirloin steak 
~ Rice cooked in garlic butter and the leftover meat juices
~ Dessert: caramelised apple with ice-cream 


Ramen restaurant on Yasukuni-dori in Shinjuku

Salt butter ramen with harigane noodles to be consumed:
~ Immediately after having sex
~ At three or four in the morning 
~ The colder the weather the better
~ Plenty of butter


Quatre quarts / pound cake

150g egg
150g flour
150g butter
150g granulated sugar

Zest of organic Japan-grown lemon
Vanilla essence
Glaze finished product with rum


Kajii's recommendations for restaurants and food to try in Niigata (Snow Country)

~ Praline cake eaten at festivities and gatherings
~ Raisin and buttercream swirl pastries 
~ Le Lecturer yokan
~ Butter from Sado Island
~ Kenshin junmai ginjo sake
~ Buttery waffles at the chain of restaurants owned by Kaji's local yoghurt factory 
~ The place in the old town serving a bowl of rice and topped with a large cutlet
~ The set meal served on a tray in the restaurant that specialised in rice cooked on a traditional stove 


Akiyama's Dairy Farm

The milk tasted like sunlight spreading out across the tongue.

Yoghurt waffle with whipped butter.


Masako cooks sekihan 

Red rice and cream stew.


Macaroni gratin.


Madame's cookery school

~ Soupe de poisson
~ Carrot, onion and cumin pie
~ Lamb with orange
~ Strawberry mousse

~ Crepe Suzette
~ Sea urchin with beurre blanc sauce

~ White asparagus in a hollandaise sauce.


~ Roast turkey stuffed with giblets, chestnuts, pine nuts and mochi rice.


* Information taken from the book 'Butter' written by Asako Yuzuki *

Thursday, 1 August 2024

Winter in Egypt

Aswan to Wadi Halfa

Big scarlet Rolls Royce
Linnet Ridgeway 
Autocratic features

Wode Hall

Chez Ma Tante

An ecstasy of strange discordant noises
The fat woman in purple was looking radiant

Snow on the Desert's Face
Under the Fig Tree



* A found poem inspired by Death on the Nile written by Agatha Christie *


Information taken from 'The Futurist Cookbook' written by Filippo Tomaso Marinetti 

~ All the defenders of pasta and implacable enemies of Futurist cooking are melancholy types, content with their melancholy and propagandists of melancholy.

 ~ Pasta - the gloomy satisfaction of stopping up a black hole. This voracious hole is an incurable sadness.[...] nothing can fill it. Only a futurist meal can lift their spirits.

~ Pasta is anti-virile because a heavy bloated stomach does not encourage physical enthusiasm for a woman, nor favour the possibility of possessing her at any time.

~ The habitual and exaggerated use of pasta certainly causes obesity and exaggerated abdominal volume. The great consumers of pasta have slow and Pacific characters, while meat eaters are quick and aggressive (Prof. Nicola Pender - Clinician).

~ To vary our foods is a biological law; experience shows the constant repetition of the same food is a cause of damage (Prof. Senator U. Gabbi - Clinician).

~ I believe that the use of pasta may be harmful to intellectual workers, to people who lead a sedentary life and, above all, to people who allow themselves meat and other dishes as well (Prof. Senator Albertoni).

~ It's a matter of taste and of the price in the market. In any case the best thing is a mixed diet and never one based on a single food (Prof. A. Herlitzka -Physiologist).

~ The nutritive value of pastasciutta does not offer any special characteristics that might make it preferable to those of other types of farinaceous foods (Prof. Antonio Riva - Clinician).

~ Pasta cannot be considered a food which is easily digested because it dilates the stomach and unlike bread does not undergo a sufficient preparation through mastication (Prof  Dr C. Tarchetti).

~ The Duke of Bovino, Mayor of Naples, declared that the Angels in Paradise eat nothing but vermicelli with tomato sauce.

~ Cavaliere Pettini, head chef to the King of Italy, says: It is beyond doubt that all farinaceous foods weigh the body down and in consequence are a threat to the intelligence. He also says: The necessity of innovations, of modernism in cooking too, a business which must also respond to the times and even lead them.

~ Schopenhauer styled [pasta] the food of the resigned. Alas, even our upper classes, the intellectuals, even the so-called leaders don't know how to feed themselves properly.

~ Surgeon, Giovanni da Vigo, gave an explicit formal warning against the abuse of pasta, the prescription for a bloated sixteenth century: all the pasta dishes must be used very infrequently.

~ Libero Glaucoma Silvano wrote: wasn't it time to do something about that barbaric food [...] I'm speaking of macaroni in a sauce.

~ Dacovio Saraceni wrote: macaroni was born and raised among the Ostrogoth who often enjoyed comforting themselves with him.

~ Audisio wrote: yes, pasta really is a dictatorship of the stomach.

~ Marinetti wrote in his manifesto: no more spaghetti for the Italians.

~ It is not just a question of replacing pasta with rice, or of ordering one dish to another, but of inventing new foods.


Bonus quote from an unknown source:
"Scientists have found that the gene for low IQ is biologically paired with that of a fondness for pasta".

The Italian Futurist Movement

 Banquet for the Milanese Futurists
15th November 1930
The Penna d'Oca restaurant 

Oie grasse
Ice cream on the moon
Tears of the god 'Gavi'
Consumato of roses and sunshine
Mediterranean favourite zig, zug, zag
Roast lamb in lion sauce
Little salad at daybreak 
Blood of Bacchus 'from the Ricasoli estate'
Well-tempered little artichoke wheels
Spun sugar rain
Exhilarating 'cinzano' foam
Fruit gathered in Eve's garden
Coffee and liqueurs


The First Futurist Dinner
8th March 1931
The Holy Palate Restaurant 

Intuitive Antipasto
Sunshine Soup
Totalrice (Italian style risotto seasoned with beer, wine and fondue)
Aerofood (tactile with sounds and smells)
Sculpted Meat
Edible Landscape
Italian Sea
Mediterranean Salad
Equator + North Pole
Network in the Sky
Fruits of Italy

Wines by Costa
Beers by Metzger
Spumanti by Cora
Perfumes by Dory


Examples of Definitive Futurist Dinners

Wedding Banquet

A tureen of magnificent soup (rice, chicken livers and beans in quail broth)

A tray of Milanese saffron risotto and an abundance of truffles

Sauteed mushrooms 

Fernet for everyone 

A Dinner of White Desire

 Twenty fresh white eggs injected with a delicate perfume of acacia flowers

A large turren of cold milk with cubes of mozzarella cheese and sweet white Muscat grapes 

A tray laden with piece of coconut studded with nougat enclosed in layers of butter and arranged on a bed of boiled rice and whipped cream

Undiluted abuse, grappa or gin

Serves ten

* Information derived from 'The Futurist Cookbook' written by Filippo Tommaso Marinetti *

Monday, 1 July 2024

Digital Declutter

As digital clutter does not take up traditional physical space, some people tend to turn a blind eye or try to ignore it everytime they log on. However, similar to physical clutter, dealing with this matter can also produce cathartic effects.

Social media

Decide which form of social media works for your needs and preferences. If you only use social media to keep in contact with friends and family whom you don't see very regularly or for sharing photos and life events/news, then perhaps Facebook might be a good option for you.

Don't fall into the trap of signing up for every single option out there such as Twitter/X, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, LinkedIn etc.

Cull your 'friends' list periodically to only include the important people in your life. Delete those who create drama; those who only use social media to humble brag, those who just lurk etc.

Cull your followers or those you follow periodically. Apparently, Beyonce has millions of followers on Instagram, but does not follow anyone herself.

The Domestic Goblin has wide ranging interests when it comes to YouTube videos such as exercise, fragrance, food/cooking, interior design, skincare, fashion for short people, minimalism, hoof trimming etc. Whilst there is nothing wrong with having these interests, there is no need to follow five or more YouTubers talking about the same topic. Whilst some topics are for entertainment purposes or for knowledge, some interests can be expensive and it's best to reduce the amount of temptation where possible and to just subscribe to one channel. Easier said than done!

Keep the social media profile information you display to a minimum. True friends and family should already know your gender, marital status, date of birth and where you work. Do not display information that hackers can use.

For those who haven't succumbed to social media or have deleted their account many years ago, well done! Life is much simpler! 

Email inbox

Login and check your emails periodically for personal email accounts and every working day for work email accounts. 

Make sure to delete all emails that you have read and dealt with and are no longer worth keeping.

In a work situation, create folders within your inbox to help you file/move important emails.

Unsubscribe from unnecessary retail mailing lists, job searches, society newsletters etc. They just clog up your inbox.

Block spam or unsolicited emails.

If you have several personal email accounts and have accumulated thousands of emails for an account you no longer use, delete the account. Don't let this take up digital space.

This will be an ongoing maintenance task.

Online storage
The problem with online 'cloud' storage is that photos and electronic documents are saved/dumped there and sometimes forgotten about like some 'junk drawer'.

It makes sense to save photos that you love as well as emailing them to yourself as backup. Delete any duplicates.

An up to date CV, contact list/address book and copyright-protected work/articles are worth having on file.

Electronic copies of manuals, receipts and warranties for items/products you don't even have/own anymore needs to be deleted.

Smart phones and other electronic devices
This follows a similar concept to your email inbox and will be an ongoing maintenance task.

Many of us have taken photos of our meals, exhibits and random trees etc. Once these have been uploaded onto your preferred platform and documented, you should delete after there is no more purpose or reason for keeping it.

The same goes with photos when you can't remember why you took them in the first place.

WhatsApp messages/text messages 
Do you really need to keep individual message chains from more than a year ago? Do you really scroll back through all the messages?

Do you really need to be a member of so many group chats? If there are important, useful or interesting messages being exchanged almost daily or weekly, then keep them. Inactive group chats that were started months or years ago can be deleted.

Upload the videos onto your preferred platform then only back up onto online storage or email to self those containing people who are no longer with us or those important to us or events that needed to be documented. Delete the rest.

Contact list
Review and edit your contacts list annually. You will know who are the most important people in your life and those who you love and care about the most. Also there will be those who are useful to have such as your doctor, dentist etc. Your neighbour's dog walkers best friend might not be a necessity.

Phone apps

Assess the apps you have downloaded onto your smart phone. Do they still serve a function or are they just taking up space?

Downloading apps 'just in case' takes up unnecessary memory on your phone and the only sensible choice the Domestic Goblin can think of in this category is the torch/flashlight option or the map and this is providing you have enough data to use this when outside. Sometimes, data/roaming isn't working when you're on holiday or in the middle of nowhere. This is when the physical item becomes useful.

Streaming services
Ask yourself, do you really need to subscribe and pay for every single streaming service available to you? 

The Domestic Goblin knows someone who has Netflix, Disney Plus AND Amazon Prime and yet  sometimes find themselves not able to find anything they want to watch or in the mood for.

If you don't watch live TV and don't want to pay TV license fees just to watch BBC catch-up (for example) then streaming services are a good alternative but try to limit yourself to ONE.

Copyright to J.Chan aka The Domestic Goblin