Friday 1 October 2021

Mary Cooper's List

The list that Leonard said he would give to Mary Cooper 

Racist, politically incorrect and offensive things that Mary should not have said:

  • I made chicken. I hope that isn't one of the animals that you people think is magic (talking to Rajesh)
  • After our moment of silent meditation, I'm gonna end with "in Jesus' name", but you two don't feel any obligation to join in (talking to Howard and Rajesh)
  • His eyes came out a little thin, but you can just pretend he's Chinese (referring to the smiley face she carved into Sheldon's grilled cheese sandwich)
  • At our church, we have a woman who is an amazing healer. Mostly she does crutch and wheelchair people but I bet she'd be willing to take a shot at whatever Third-World demon is running around inside of you (trying to help Rajesh's trouble talking to the ladies)
  • You got a lot of cats and you gave them cute Jewish names
  • Well, putting aside the pig Latin... (after Sheldon makes an excellent physics point)
  • Kung fu letters
  • Ching chong
  • You never think about it going the other way (reaction to Leonard telling her that Priya's parents were not happy with her dating somebody white)
  • I thought it was our Indians that had the occasional alcohol problem (when she saw Rajesh drunk)
  • That would be mighty white of you
  • Rosary rattlers (Catholics)

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