Friday 1 October 2021

Rajesh's Scavenger Hunt

Rajesh plans a scavenger hunt for his friends

Scavenger hunts are a tradition at elite universities with hunts full of puzzles that rely on logic, obscure knowledge, science etc.

The premise:
Somewhere in the city of Pasadena, Rajesh has hidden a golden coin. Teams will be faced with a total of ten puzzles. Each puzzle will lead the participants to the location of the next puzzle, the last of which will lead you to the coin. The first team to find it wins!

The teams:
Penny and Sheldon
Amy and Howard
Bernadette and Leonard

The Scavenger Hunt:

The first puzzle is a jigsaw puzzle.
Answer: the comic book store.

The second puzzle is a riddle given by The Riddler.

Riddle me this:
Arrah, arrah, and gather round, 
the work of this hero is legion bound. 
He multiplies N by the number of He
and in this room the thing you'll see.

Answer: the geology lab.
Explanation: The Arrah Arrah in the riddle means Jan Arrah, a member of the Legion of Superheroes known as Element Lad. And then the word 'He' it wasn't the masculine pronoun, but rather H E the abreviation for Helium. Element Lady's ability is the power to transmute chemical elements. Helium has an atomic number of two. If you multiply that by the atomic number of 'N', Nitrogen, you get 14 which is the atomic number of silicon and that is the most common element in the earth's surface. So that narrowed it down to the geology lab or the chemistry lab. Finally, the line "in this room the thing you'll see" was an obvious reference to the Fantastic Four member The Thing who's made entirely of rocks.

The third puzzle: 
To continue in your quest, leave no stone unturned.
Answer: Lift up the Rolling Stones poster.
Map coordinates: 
The Bowling Alley.

The fourth puzzle:
Answer: the disused elevator shaft.

The fifth puzzle
Answer: the Planetarium.

The sixth puzzle:
Answer: the tar pits.

The seventh puzzle:
Answer: the laundry room.

The eight puzzle:
Answer: Sheldon's spot.

The ninth puzzle:
Answer: Rajesh tells them to look in their pockets.

Everyone has a coin. When you're all having fun together, you're already winners.



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