Friday 1 October 2021

Laura Horowitz

Domestic Goblin's favourite films and programmes that feature her favourite female actor,  Winona Ryder

Beetlejuice (1988)
Winona plays Lydia Deetz, whose parents purchase a country home that had belonged to the Maitlands who died in a car accident.

Heathers (1989)
Winona plays a character called Veronica Sawyer, who is part of a popular clique at Westerburg High with Heather Chandler, Heather Duke, and Heather McNamara. 

Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992)
Winona stars as Mina Murray, the fiancee of Jonathan Harker; and as Elisabeta, the wife of Vlad Dracula.

Reality Bites (1994)
Winona stars as Leilaina Pierce, who graduated 
valedictorian of her university and starts her first job as a production assistant at 'Good Morning Grant' whilst aspiring to become a documentarian.

FRIENDS episode 7:20 (2001)   
Guest appearance as Melissa Warburton, a party planner who was a college friend of, and sorority sisters with, Rachel Greene. One night during senior year, they attended the Sigma Chi luau and drank a lot of sangria. Upon their return to the house, they ended up kissing for several minutes.

Stranger Things TV series (2016-present)
Starring as Joyce Byers, a divorcee and the mother of Jonathan and Will. Her younger son Will is captured by a monster from an alternative dimension discovered by scientists at Hawkins Laboratory.

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