Saturday, 1 March 2025

Fantasy MAC Eyeshadow Trios

Naked Lunch
Star Violet 


Deep Truth

Crystal Avalanche


* Some of these eye shadow shades have been discontinued now which shows how long ago the Domestic Goblin started writing this post and also how old DG is! *

Lentils Recipe a la France et Afrique



  • 1kg of green lentils
  • 1 onion
  • Sausages from East European shops, chopped bacon or beef or any other meat
  • 2 tomatoes
  • Garlic
  • Thyme et laurels
  • Salt, pepper
  • Maggi cubes
  • 1 big spoon of flour


~ Wash the lentils in cold water

~ Cover with water then place on the side

~ Grill the onions and garlic

~ Add the meat, let it grill for a few minutes

~ Add the chopped tomatoes and stir for a few minutes

~ Add a large spoon of flour (to thicken)

~ Add water up to half the pan

~ Add the thyme and laurels, salt, pepper and 2 maggi cubes (I get the chicken flavour maggi cubes from African shops but you can use other types)

~ Taste and add more if needed

~ Let it boil


~ Get the lentils, pour the water away and add the lentils to the boiling water – boil for 15mins

~ Reduce the fire and let it boil for 30 mins or more until the lentils are soft and the sauce thicker


* Recipe shared by former friend AEZ in 2017 unedited *

Disappointing Products

Maybelline Sky High Waterproof Mascara
Domestic Goblin had high hopes for this mascara but the brush design and formula made her lashes look very long, thin and sparse as well as resembling Lisa Simpson eye lashes. Even tried with a different brush but still unsatisfactory.

Mandelic Acid from The Ordinary
Made skin look leathery. No visible improvements.

Bobbi Brown Corrector in Peach
Made dark under eye circles look really ashy and worse than before. Perhaps the shade Bisque would have been a better shade match but too expensive to experiment. Also didn't like the texture and was difficult to blend.

MACStack Mascara by MAC
Although this was one of the better mascara formulas produced by MAC so far, it did not hold a curl; smudged in warm weather/humid environment and needed lots of excess wiping and combing.

Catrice Under Eye Brightener
All Beauty by Sarah recommended this as a corrector for dark under eye circles. However, even though it had a silky consistency and blended well, it didn't provide any positive results. Such a shame as it only cost £3. 

Ballet Slippers nail varnish by Essie
Apparently, this was a favourite with Queen Elizabeth ll and other members of the royal family. The Domestic Goblin, however, found the colour too milky for her naturally rosy pink nails.

LA Girl Pro Concealer in Pink and Bisque
It was like applying war paint regardless of how little product was used. The UK customer service needs improving.

Salicylic Acid 2% Solution by The Ordinary
Experienced a damaged skin barrier. Foams up on face regardless of amount used and application technique. 

The Domestic Goblin will return to using Nip + Fab's glycolic cleansing pads even though Dr V claims that glycolic acid is not suitable for skin of colour. However, in DGs personal experience, many salicylic acid products just do not work well for her skin.

ELF Camo Hydrating CC Cream
This product had a lot of social media hype. However, after agonising over which shade to purchase, a few minutes after application, it made DG's eyes sting and felt uncomfortable. Before the allergic reaction, she couldn't see what all the hype was about.

ELF Hydrating Camo Concealer
This product only looks good when applied very sparingly. One full dot is too much and looks/feels like thick war paint. 

ELF Halo Glow Liquid Filter
Made the DG look really photogenic on camera (online meeting and photos). However, in real life it made her skin look more textured and leathery despite using minimal amounts.

ELF Whoa Glow SPF30 Sunscreen
Too glittery. Eyes felt uncomfortable.

ELF Big Mood Waterproof Mascara
Nice brush and formula. However, it smudged within a short space of time.

ELF Lash n Roll Mascara
Gave long yet thin anorexic looking lashes. Might work better for people with very sparse or non existent lashes.

Saturday, 1 February 2025

That's What She Said

Dunder Mifflin Paper Company based in Scranton, Pennsylvania.

Scranton Business Park painted by Pam Beesly

Favourite character

~ Dwight K. Schrute
Assistant to the Regional Manager.
Beet farmer at Schrute Farms.
Runs an Agritourism Bed and Breakfast on the family farm.

Former volunteer Sherrif's Deputy at weekends. 

Hardworking, alpha male, jackhammer, merciless, insatiable.

Eventually gained his black belt in karate and became Regional Manager in season 9.

Races he is sexually attracted to: White and Indian.

Secretly dated Angela Martin (season 2-4).

Had a secret affair with Angela whilst she was engaged to Andy Bernard (season 4-5).

Slept with Angela one month before she married Senator Robert Lipton resulting in the birth of Dwight's son, Phillip (season 8).

Proposed and married to Angela (season 9).

Always keeps an extra set of Birkenstocks in the car for special occasions.

The seven first priorities:
  1. Safety
  2. Profits
  3. Fostering a community of self reliance and entrepeunership
  4. Listening
  5. Respect for human life
  6. Bolstering our public image
  7. Getting everyone home on time

Daily routine:
  • Karate eight times a week
  • Boxing during lunch and at weekends
  • Kickboxing three times a week
  • Krav maga four times a week
  • An hour of meditation every morning at sunrise and again at sunset

Why Dwight thinks he is a minority:
  • Glasses wearer
  • Cholera survivor
  • Genius
  • Non-organic family farmer

Why Dwight thinks Kelly is technically Caucasian: Anthropologically, she is Indian. Indians migrated from the caucuses region of Europe.

Dwight's requirements for attractiveness:
  • Large breasts 
  • Small waist
  • Ample reproductive health
  • Facial symmetry

Why Dwight reckons obese people in his office building are a drain on resources:
  • Chairs wear out faster
  • Takes more freon to keep them cool
  • They flush the toilets more often
  • Their massive BMs bust the rivets on the pipes

Owns an acre of land on the light side of the moon directly adjacent to the sea of tranquility (Christmas present from Andy Bernard).

What Dwight thinks the main use of English people today is: judging American talent. They're mean but they're incisive.

Wonders if King-sized sheets are called Presidential-sized in England.

Written quite a bit of X-Men fan fiction featuring Captain Mutato - half man, half mermaid. He can fight crime as a man and make love as a mermaid. Most of his writing involves the latter.

Dwight's Christmas / an authentic Pennsylvania Dutch Christmas:
  • Drink some Glühwein 
  • Enjoy some Hasenpfeffer
  • Enjoy Christmas with Saint Nicholas' rural German companion, Belsnickel 
  • Hog Maw (stuffed pigs stomach) - a Pennsylvania Dutch speciality 
  • Breaking the pig rib after you've finished eating the Hog Maw
  • Impish or admirable?

Handsome and Stinky: paper brothers for hire.

Kobayashi Maru.

Why Dwight's thinks his cousin Mose could make a great salesman: he's got a natural fear of paper, which would motivate him to get as much of it out of this office as possible.

Dwight dated his babysitter for a while and she described him as a passionate lover and the sweetest little baby.

When Dwight was young, he went to X-Men school for several years. He was told it was a private school that would teach him how to harness his mutant abilities. 

Normally, he finds Pam a comforting if unarousing prescence in the office. Like a well watered fern.

Dwight's brother, Jeb, used to talk about growing a peanut-grape hybrid. One plant. One sandwich.

The ring that Dwight used to propose to Angela: taken from the buttocks of his grandmother, out there by the gangster patriarch of the Coors dynasty, melted in a foundry run by Mennonites.

Mose and Dwight

Original Scranton team before the merger with the Stamford branch and with Sabre:

Regional Manager: Michael Scott.

Receptionist: Pam Beesly.

Sales team: Jim Halpert, Dwight Schrute, Stanley Hudson, Phyllis Lapin.

Accounting team: Angela Martin, Kevin Malone, Oscar Martinez.

Quality Control: Creed Bratton.

Supplier Relations: Meredith Palmer.

Customer Service: Kelly Kapoor.

HR: Toby Flenderson.

Temp: Ryan Howard

Warehouse team: Darryl Philbin, Lonny Collins, Roy Anderson, Madge Madsen.

Vice President of Northeast Sales: Jan Levinson-Gould.

The fictionalised promo:

"The Office: an American workplace airing on PBS next month is a documentary following the employees of Scranton's own Dundee Mifflin Paper Company!

In this series, which will air starting in May, we get an in-depth look at many interesting local people.

There's Kevin Malone, the Falstaffian accountant.

There's Dwight Schrute, the Head Salesman forever chasing a manager position he will never get.

Andy Bernard, the rudderless trust fund child/middle manager whose incompetence is emblematic of a declining American economy. A possible explanation for his lack of career focus is his surprising musical talent.

Though it mostly focuses on the daily realities of office life, a lurid subplot reveals the hypocrisy of a local public figure embroiled in a gay affair while preaching family values."


Yellow submarine

Creme tangerine 
ginger sling 
pineapple heart
coffee dessert
Savoy truffle
cherry cream
apple tart
Coconut fudge 

Home sweet home
Desmond and Molly Jones
Ob-la-di ob-la-da...

Follow the sun

Some kind of happiness is measured out in miles

* A found poem inspired by various songs by The Beatles *

First Time...

Watched a film at a cinema: aged 12

Travelled abroad: aged 15

Started suffering from depression: aged 26

Experienced genuine heartbreak: aged 35.10

Voted in the UK elections: aged 35.11 for mayor of London and EU referendum

Had a meal in a restaurant by myself: aged 35.10

Watched a film in the cinema by myself: aged 36

Lived by myself: aged 36.10

Filled up someone's car with petrol: aged 37

Had hair professionally coloured: 38

Had a tooth filling: 38.8

Had an eye infection: 40

Had to use antibiotics (for eye infection): 40

Buyer/Homeowner: 42

* To be continued *

Wednesday, 1 January 2025

Quatro Queso Dos Fritos

Amusing quotes taken from the TV series: Psych


Double chocolate mango pineapple scones

Polygamy, pancakes and pterodactyls 

Non-fat vanilla half-caf with lots of whipped cream but without the usual pink straw


They always hide the apple in the bike.

I'm Shawn Spencer: police psychic, amateaur daredevil, denture wearer and strawberry crepe enthusiast.

We'll be as non-existent as an Aldo Nova fan.

Toblerone: it's like a more sophisticated crackle. (S3:E16)

You're not bald, you're just taller than your hair. (S4:E2)

I would rather adopt a child.

Henry Spencer's 36-hour survival basket contains: 
  • Two ham sandwiches on stone ground wheat, mustard, no mayo
  • Plenty of electrolyte liquids
  • A flashlight

Kids names considered by Gus:
  • Lavender (if it's a girl)
  • Deandre Pride Guster (if it's a boy)

Lunch for us starts ten minutes after breakfast ends, goes till ten minutes before dinner starts. Unless, of course we just combine the two in which case we have linner. And then there's dessinner which is dessert and dinner.

Shawn is introduced on page 11 as a thick-tufted boy genius who ice skates through life on polished blades of snarky eloquence. Gus is described as laughing on the outside, crying on the inside, the fastidious wrinkle on the brow of Psych. The author also said Gus had skin of pure cocoa velvetiness and would like to use that skin to make children's dolls.

Gabardine Hightail: 
Two parts Brora Scotch
One part Drambuie
A teaspoon of honey
Different, classy, cool.

As for the deeds of men by the words of your lips, I have kept from the path of the violent PSALMS 17:4
Now let us go forth and kick much ass CRAIG 1:1

I would rather fall in love with a vegan.

I have the tenacity of a swiss fox and the instincts of a dragonfly.

I would rather learn to play the harp.

Tap-Man - the tap dancing superhero.
Superpower: Rhythm.
Alter ego: Mild mannered dance instructor.
His arch nemesis: Riverdance man.
How he fights: He confuses the bad guys with his quick syncopation and grabs some tap sand from his trusty pouch and splat! Right in the eyes.
To the Tap-Mobile!

I would rather spend the rest of my life at Lilith Fair.

Just cos you put syrup on something, don’t make it pancakes.

High on Carlton Lassiter's list of enemies:
  • Internal Affairs
  • Lance Bass 
  • The Innocence Project

I would rather spend all day at the mall with McNab.

I don't know

Burton Guster aka: 
  • Gus Sillypants Jackson
  • Magic Head 
  • Gus TT Showbiz
  • Vernest Lambert Watkins
  • Ghee Buttersnaps
  • Lavender Gooms
  • Clementine Wooliesocks
  • Jonathan Jacob Jingly Smith
  • Santonio Holmes
  • Dion Richmond
  • Chaz Bono
  • M.C. Clap Yo Handz
  • Imhotep 
  • Control-Alt-Delete
  • Yasmine Bleethe
  • Lodge Blackmunn
  • Radio Star
  • Gusjay Gupta
  • Watson Williams
  • Ingle Woods
  • Fellatio Del Toro
  • Eddie Adams from Torrance
  • Larenz Tate
  • Gurn Blanstein
  • Immaculate Conception 
  • Domo Arigato
  • Blue Ivy Carter
  • Bill Uvrights
  • Vijay Amritraj 
  • Django Unchained
  • Flapjack Palmdale
  • Burton Trout 
  • 'Bad News' Marvin Barnes
  • Lil Wayne
  • King Mongkut
  • Gigi van Tronh
  • The Wiz
  • Recap McGhee
  • Trending Ontwitter
  • Darnell Guster
  • Satchel Gizmo
  • Denzel Diggs Underwood Morris Chestnut Washington 
  • Burton Guster Black Spencer

Bonus information

Fries Quatro Queso Dos Fritos
Potatoes are injected with a four-cheese mixture, fry them three-quarters of the way, pull them out, batter them, fry them again, and then serve them with bacon and an ancho chile sour cream.

Cheese-infused, twice-battered fries

Psych theme song

First verse:
In between the lines there’s a lot of obscurity.
I’m not inclined to resign to maturity.
If it’s alright, then you’re all wrong.
But why bounce around to the same damn song?You’d rather run when you can’t crawl...

I know, you know, that I’m not telling the truth.
I know, you know, they just don’t have any proof.
Embrace the deception- learn how to bend,
Your worst inhibitions tend to psych you out in the end.

Second verse:

In the realm of compliments, there isn't any higher than
A fabricated misdirection fashioned by a liar.
You think you hate all that you love,
Acting so surprised when it fits you like a glove.

You want to find the answers then I offer a solution
Everyone has got a dose of healthy disillusion
If it's a game yeah, they wanna play
You better load the dice cause they'll do it anyway, but...
You'd rather run when you can't crawl...


Suck it!


The Super Sniffer

~ Follow by Kerosene
"Warmth and bright new mornings collide when passersby glance. Eyes close as they take in dark-roasted coffee, vanilla, and amber. Their usual route is abandoned; it's you they follow."

Notes: Coffee beans, vanilla, benzoin, tonka, sap, and amber.

Comments: The Domestic Goblin had such high hopes for this one because Aaron Terence Hughes gave it a 10/10.

Verdict: A delicious coffee opening and then an ashy incense and bonfire dry down with nothing else inbetween. Disappointed.

~ R'oud Elements by Kerosene 

"An orange bitter sun is setting beyond the trees, a small oud and sandalwood fire smolders. The scent is soft, deep and longing for invitation."

Notes: Oud, Cedar, Sandalwood, Amber, Vanilla, Lavender, Iris, and Orange Bitters.

Verdict: The oud dominates. Disappointed.

~ Unknown Pleasures by Kerosene
Description: You're walking down a cold street in England, listening to Joy Division, sipping on a  warm cup of London Fog. This fragrance opens up with the smooth sweetness of honey with Earl Grey tea, with a zing of lemon. It dries down to a cozy vanilla, sweet tonka bean and waffle cone base, sure to make any gourmand lover smile.

Notes: Earl Grey tea, Lemon, Bergamot, Honey, Tonka Bean, Caramel, Vanilla and Waffle Cone.

Comments: The Domestic Goblin decided to revisit this fragrance in the hopes that her nose would appreciate this fragrance more after eight years.

2024 verdict: Polite waffles and a fleeting lemon drizzle cake. Too polite and too fleeting.

~ Cerutti 1881 Pour Femme by Cerutti
A fragrance that pairs the essence of femininity with timeless elegance. Authentic, subtle and sensitive. Woody | Floral.

Top notes: Linen Flower, Mimosa, Freesia, Violet.
Heart notes: Linen Flower, Orange Blossom, Jasmine.
Base Notes: Sandlewood, Vanilla.

Verdict: Smells like a ballerina washing their hair with vintage shampoo. Too pretty to repurchase.

~ Signature by Mont Blanc 
This fragrance tells the story of a creative woman. The feminine contrast between oriental vanilla and white musk brings exotic holiday feelings into everyday life.

Top notes: Clementine
Heart notes: Magnolia, Peony, Ylang-Ylang
Base notes: Benzoin, White Musk, Vanilla

Verdict: Smells like nectarine ice-cream and burnt plastic.

~ Cypress & Grapevine by Jo Malone
The aromatic notes of cypress trees unite with the warmth of grapevine and the sensuality of amber. A fresh and woody scent that leaves a lasting impression. Refined, distinctive and bold.

Verdict: A pleasant masculine citrus.

Mr Monk

Basic requirements:
  • Moist towelettes for germs
  • Takes three showers every day with a star-shaped nozzle
  • Needs a five-watt night light for sleeping
  • Needs dark coloured pillow cases

Sleepover items:
  • First aid kit
  • Toothbrush
  • Back up toothbrush
  • Back up bristles for the back up toothbrushes
  • Pyjamas
  • Four pairs of underwear 
  • Talcum powder

  • Sierra Springs bottled water (Seasons 1-5)
  • Summit Creek bottled water (Season 6 -8)
  • Chicken pot pie

List of phobias:
  1. Germs 
  2. Heights
  3. Snakes
  4. Milk
  5. Needles
  6. Risk
  7. Death
  8. Mushrooms
  9. Crowds
  10. Elevators
  11. The miracle of birth
  12. Public speaking
  13. Glaciers
  14. Rodeos
  15. Dentists
  16. Blankets 
  17. Possums
  18. Soccer riots
  19. Frogs
  20. Hailstones
  21. Clouds
  22. Harmonicas 
  23. Ladybugs
  24. Fire
  25. Spiders
  26. Sand
  27. Earthquakes
  28. Tigers
  29. Boats
  30. Charcoal
  31. Underwear 
  32. Boats
  33. Underwater
  34. Enclosed spaces
  35. Submarines
  36. Rabbits
  37. Tunnels
  38. Bridges
  39. Decaffeinated coffee
  40. Lightning
  41. Wind
  42. Egg whites
  43. Naked people

There's a chicken in Mexico who can play tic tac toe. (S2:E15)

Sis nav mans metelis - High Tamien for 'this is not my coat'. (The pronunciation sounds similar to 'she's now gone meatless').

Job offer from San Francisco Magazine: 
US$42,000 per year 
Medical plan
Four weeks paid vacation
Dental plan

  • Separates everything into piles exactly 20 inches high
  • Then puts each pile into a green ten-gallon reinforced double-ply trash bag which is double taped shut
  • Then puts that bag into another bag which is wrapped in twine four times counterclockwise and ties each end twice

  • The Gertler 4000
  • Extra-soft polyurethane bristles
  • Blue rubber handle

A passage of Trudy's poem:
The snows that burn away
like tears of God, reveal the world anew
We are reborn; nothing is lost forever.

16 inch collar
33 inch sleeve
Inspected by inspector number eight, Maria Ortiz

Oral hygiene:
Brushes teeth 12 times a day
Flosses every 90 minutes

When looking at evidence and/or crime scene:
  • Look between your fingers
  • Let your mind go blank
  • Let the room wash over you 
  • Go up or go down or lean
  • Making connections 
  • Looking for inconsistencies 

Incense smells worse than garbage.

  • Tetracycline

  • Pantene for dry hair

Running away items:
  • Stain remover
  • Back up stain remover
  • Trudy pillow
  • Clothes
  • Soap
  • Wipes
  • Water

Born to be mild.
Haul bottom.

Personal Assistants:
Sharona Fleming (Season 1 - Season 3: Episode 9)
Natalie Teeger (Season 3: Episode 10 - Season 8)

Dr Charles Kroger (Seasons 1-6)
Dr Neven Bell (Seasons 7-8)

35, 4, 7, 53, 23, 44
25, 52, 7, 32, 10, 17
25, 62, 12, 15, 33, 54

Betavegatech - an agricultural engineering research lab founded by Professor Dean Berry. Projects include:

Square tomatoes 
The square shape means that farmers can pack 35% more tomatoes per carton. 
Cheaper. More efficient. 
Every slice is exactly the same size.
You can taste the symmetry.

~ New corn seeds
Genetically engineered to sprout in 20 minutes.

Professor Berry's wheels:

~ Bike gifted by the Visionary Project (a non-profit environmental group) in recognition of his work.
Name engraved.
Custom seat.
Cool lock.
Eco-friendly hemp basket.
Frame is filled with polycarbonate honeycomb for better stability.

ZAP Xebra Xero
Aerodynamically perfect car.
100% fossil free.
Built in solar panels.
The future on wheels.


Children's TV show:
The Cooper Clan.
Tuesdays at 8 o'clock.

Favourite snack:
Ten round crackers.
A glass of apple juice with one ice cube.

Separating laundry:
Off whites
Off off whites
Left socks 
Right socks

The gentlemen's room in the Vinton Street Theater:
Gilson the restroom attendant (the Michaelangelo of lavatories).
Ten different types of soap (one was from the Gansu province of China).
Handwoven Peruvian cotton hand towels.

Turkey club, lightly toasted.
Hold the lettuce. Hold the bacon. Hold the mayo.
Five slices of turkey cut four ways on a square plate.

Floral soulmates:
Natalie - butterfly orchid
Joy (owner of Affinity)  - tiger lily
Randy - crocus
Adrian - plastic flower

Detective First Class
Adrian Monk
Homicide division
