Monday 1 August 2022

Kotaro Lives Alone

Kotaro Satо̄ is a four year old boy who idolises Tonosaman and prefers to speak in the formal language of the feudal lords.

 Kotaro ran away from the group home/children's home/orphanage after his abusive father (who has a restraining order against him and not allowed near Kotaro) found him and caused a scene. Since then, Kotaro is careful not to be photographed.

Kotaro lives alone in unit 203 in the Shimizu apartment block. He befriended neighbours: Karino from unit 202;  Mizuki from unit 201 and Tamaru from unit 102. (Takei moves into unit 201 after Mizuki moves out).


According to Kotaro, the bathhouse is not just a place to wash the filth from one's body, it is a place to relax. It is imperative to have one everyday. Personal hygiene is important.

 In the past, he used to eat tissues when he was hungry and left all alone. He preferred the more expensive higher quality boxes as they were moisture-rich; extra soft and tasted sweeter.

A weekly allowance is hand delivered to Kotaro by a representative from a law firm under the guise of a 'kind and generous benefactor' when in reality it is dividends from the life insurance policy of his mother, Sayori Wamiya.

Example breakfast dishes Kotaro makes to help keep him company when feeling lonely:

Marinated meat and potatoes
Golden egg cake
Deliciously crunchy kinpira gobo

Dinner in the company of friends instead of extra food:

Delicious meat and vegetable stir-fry.

Aho-uke: a regional treat from the town he grew up in. Kotaro's favourite afternoon snack!

Warm green tea is the best complement to sweet treats.

An umbrella-sharing badge of honour
Keep the person next to you dry; a wet shoulder proves how much they mean to you.

* Information derived from the Netflix anime adaptation of Kotaro Lives Alone *

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