Monday 1 August 2022

Vows / promises after the legal bit

Non-religious vows between two equals

Option 1

"I love you for who you are and who I am with you.
From this date forth, I freely and joyfully join my life with yours.

Wherever you go, I will go.
Whatever you face, I will face.

I will care for you should you become ill.
I will comfort you should you feel sad.
I will bathe in your joy.

I am yours completely and forever.
I take you as my partner for life and I will give myself to no other."

Option 2

Do you happily make the decision with a full heart to join your lives, to fulfill your dreams, to embrace adventures and create memories together? 

Then by the power vested in me by the magic of the world wide web, I now pronounce you married.

Commitment between a Dominant and a submissive


I take you ___ for my ___.
I promise to always remember that your ___ is a gift and treat it as such.
I promise to love, honour and cherish you.
I promise to put your love in my heart and always keep it with me.
I acknowledge my role as your ___ and promise to always honour this role.
As I place this ___ on your ___, I acknowledge and honour your ___.
I acknowledge your willingness to serve me as my loving ___.
I give you this ___ fully with love and with joy.


I take you ___ for my ___.
I promise to remember that my ___  is a gift of love to you.
I promise to love, honour and cherish you.
I promise to put your love in my heart and always keep it with me.
I acknowledge your role as my ___ and promise to always honour this role.
As you place this ___ on my ___, I give myself to you completely of my own free will.
I give to you my heart, soul and my body, for we are now one. 

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