Monday 1 August 2022


There sleeps Titania
some time of the night,
Lull'd in these flowers
with dances and delight;
And there the snake 
throws her enamell'd skin,
Weed wide enough to
wrap a fairy in.


On tops of dewy grass
Nimbly do we pass,
The young and tender stalk
Ne'er bends when we do walk.
Yet in the morning may be seen
Where we the night before have been.


I sing of feather gowns
and veils of air; 
Of lilies for the
bride most fair.


After releasing clouds of butterflies, the 
flower girls continue spinning their magic, 
scattering rose petals from
their glossy magnolia leaf baskets 


The language of love using flowers whose sentiments express your message

Bougainvillaea: Elegance 
Bridal Wreath: Happiness
Buttercups: Childhood memories 
Calla Lily: Female beauty
Columbine: Determines to succeed
Cosmos: May I have the next dance?
Cowslips: Divine beauty
Daisy: Innocence 
Dianthus: Make haste
Dock: Patience
Fuchsia: Humble love
Gerbera: Beauty
Hyacinth: Sorrow
Ivy: Marriage
Lady's Mantle: Comfort, protection
Lilac: First love
Lily: Purity
Mint: Virtue
Pansy: You occupy my thoughts 
Pinks: Fascination
Queen Anne's Lace: Fantasy
Red Currant: You please me
Red Rose: Love
Violet: Fidelity

* Information taken from 'Fairie-ality: The Fashion Collection from the House of Ellwand' by David Downton and David Ellwand *

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