Monday 1 August 2022

Do No Harm and Take No Shit


You may have seen statues of the Buddha, like the one above, where he holds his left palm open, like a cup catching rain. He holds his right hand out in front of him, as if making the stop gesture.

In Sanskrit, these hand gestures are called mudras. In the Buddhist and yogic traditions mudras are used to evoke a specific state of mind.

The cupped palm gesture is the mudra of generosity and compassion. It symbolizes a heart that turns no one away, a cup that can hold the world. In Christian terms, it is the gesture of agape, the highest form of love. It is the 'do no harm' gesture.

The stop gesture is the mudra of fearlessness. It is said that the historical Buddha made this gesture upon gaining enlightenment, indicating that even if we are confused, unhappy, or hurt, we can have a fearless spirit and a dignified strength. It is the 'take no shit' gesture.

In Buddhist iconography, these two mudras are usually used together. This is important. It reveals an enduring truth that any strength overdone becomes a
weakness. Made together, the two mudras bring us into balance.

* Information copied from the internet *

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