Monday 1 November 2021

Peeno Noir: An Ode to Black Penis

Peeno Noir!
Caviar, Myanmar, mid-sized car
You don't have to be popu-lar
Find out who your true friends are

Peeno Noir
In the boudoir (in the boudoir)
It went to voicemail, call it again, call it again
Peeno Noir, smoke a cigar
Revenge can be spectacu-lar

Peeno Noir x4 (Peeno Noir)
Peeno Noir, leather bar
Oh so close and yet so far

Peeno Noir x4 (Peeno Noir)
Peeno Noir, you're a star
Listen to Tom Beren-gar

Peeno Noir, Rosanne Barr
Peeno Noir!

Au Revoir

Click here to watch the music video.

Lyrics written by Titus Andromedon with the use of his rhyming dictionary.
With a title, a beat and an attitude; as long as it rhymes, everything with be fines.

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