Monday 1 November 2021

Fifty Prince Hotel, Manhattan

Betty Suarez is instructed by her boss, Daniel Meade, to stay at the newly opened Fifty Prince Hotel and review their services. Walter, her boyfriend, also joins her...

The Suite:
  • Lavish refinement and downy opulence (soft and cosy)
  • Deliciously divine view (spectacular view)

Massage service:

Male masseuse, Sven, manipulated my muscles.

Three-star restaurant:

  • Was the ambience in the restaurant romantic or better suited to business occasions? (Walter's answer: it's kinda pretentious)
  • Did the food ravish your inquisitive palette or induce an orgasmic explosion of scintillating flavours on your taste buds? (Walter's answer: it's like eating shaving cream)
  • Walter: I'm not eating this, it's gross. I want real food! Could I just get a burger and fries?

General comments:

Nestled in downtown Gotham, the hotbed of all that is super chic, and scrumptiously posh, Fifty Prince is an absolutely delectable dreamland.

* Information derived from episode 1:7 of Ugly Betty *

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