~ Rowan Khanna
A voracious reader and aspires to be the youngest professor at Hogwarts. Rowan's knowledge can help solve any mystery.
~ Ben Copper
Muggle-born and supremely gifted at Charms. He strives to use his abilities to help his friends any way that he can, even if he fears just about everything.
~ Penny Haywood
Pleasant and popular and knows all the latest gossip around Hogwarts. She can use her potion skills to get out of tricky situations.
~ Rubeus Hagrid
A kindly half-giant and the Keeper of Keys and Grounds at Hogwarts. He will be there with Rock Cakes and to give advice on handling or caring for magical creatures.
~ Bill Weasley
Bill grew up in the Burrow with his parents and six younger siblings. Academically exceptional, Bill is a steadfast Gryffindor and a strong dueller.
~ Chiara Lobosca
Chiara Lobosca is a compassionate Hufflepuff who was bitten by a werewolf as a young child. Now that she's found a pack who accepts her, there's nothing she won't do to make you feel better.
~ Skye Parkin
Chaser for her House Quidditch team and uses the Comet 220 broomstick passed down by her family. Charms is her weakest subject.
~ Dobby
The resident house-elf of Malfoy manor, Dobby serves his family faithfully despite their cruel treatment to him. Those who show him kindness will find that he is as loyal to his friends as to his masters, if not more so.
~ Nymphadora Tonks
A free-spirited metamorphmegas with a penchant for rule-breaking. Her unique skills are incrediably useful to her friends, making her a powerful ally.
~ Tulip Karasu
Tulip thinks fast; pranks rebelliously; and gets through Hogwarts by her wits. She has a special prank for every situation that can help you, if she trusts you.
~ Barnaby Lee
Barnaby casts his charms with brute force. His bruteheadedness can clear any obstacle, and his knowledge of Slytherin could prove useful.
~ Andre Egwu
Andre has a passion for Quidditch matched only for his passion for wizard fashion. He works hard, plays hard, and dresses the part.
~ Charlie Weasley
Charlie is Bill's younger brother and has a great love for dragons. When not in the Quidditch pitch, he can help explore areas where magical creatures lurk.
~ Jae Kim
Jae Kim is a loyal, laidback Gryffindor who isn't afraid to bend the rules to bring the coolest contraband to Hogwarts. If you're looking for a hard-to-find item, start by asking Jae.
~ Badeea Ali
Badeea Ali is an incredibly creative Ravenclaw who's constantly pushing the limits of art and magic. Her unorthodox approach helps her invent new spells, and helps you solve seemingly impossible problems.
~ Liz Tuttle
Liz 'Lizard' Tuttle is a Slytherin whose main ambition is to ensure all creatures are treated equally. If you are having trouble with an animal-orientated ingredient or have any creature questions, Liz has the answer.
~ Diego Caplan
Diego is a sauve hardworking Hufflepuff. He wants to be the best at everything and he wants to help you join him at the top. Diego is happy to help you with any problem, particularly if it involves duelling or dancing.
~ Talbot Winger
Talbot Winger is an aloof Ravenclaw who prefers to fly solo than stick with the flock. Though slow to trust and sarcastic, Talbott knows how to keep a secret and can help you out of tricky situations.
~ Fred Weasley
Fred is Bill, Charlie and Percy's younger brother. This mischievous Gryffindor is always getting into trouble with his twin brother, George. Count on Fred to have a trick up his sleeve and a scheme in mind.
~ George Weasley
George is Bill, Charlie and Percy's younger brother. Often found following his twin brother Fred's mischievous making lead, this Gryffindor can joke with the best of them and smooth out any ruffled feathers afterward.
~ Cedric Diggory
Cedric Diggory is a charming and honest Hufflepuff whose popularity is surpassed only by his talent. Depsite all the attention he receives, Cedric remains humble and is always willing to lend a hand.
~ Alanza Alves
An exchange student from the wizarding school Castelobruxo, Alanza Alves never lets the distance between herself and home get her down. With her sunny disposition and cheerful outlook, Alanza might just have more to teach Hogwarts than it had to teach her.
~ Beatrice Haywood
A Hufflepuff like her sister, Beatrice Haywood arrived at Hogwarts bright-eyed bubbling with excitement. Unfortunately, her days of innocence were cut short by the Portrait Curse, and the experience left her changed. Whether for better or worse, she isn't quite sure.
~ Corey Hayden
Whether Corey is enforcing the rules or waxing poetic about wizarding culture, Hogwart's Head Boy has always got your back!
~ Victor Ketsueki
A former loner, Victor Ketsueki is a Ravenclaw experiencing a surge of popularity after becoming a vampire while on holiday in Paris. If you're looking for someone cool-headed, Victor's got the edgy and mysterious vibe down to a science.
~ Talbot Winger
~ Sky Parkin
~ Murphy McNully
~ Orion Amari
~ Chiara Lobosco
Common Rooms at Christmas
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Lessons taught at Hogwarts
Year 1
- Cure for boils: a must-know for any teenage wizard
- Wiggenweld: a complex healing potion of some renown
- Sleeping Draught: can put anyone to sleep
- Herbicide: kills or damages plants
Year 2
- Fire breathing
- Strengthening: increases the drinker's strength
- Fire protection: let's the drinker move through flames unscathed
- Swelling solution: causes whatever it touches to swell in size
Year 3
- Antidote to common poisons: counteracts ordinary poisons
- Wideye: can be used to awaken someone or keep them from falling asleep
- Doxycide: paralyses doxies for a short period of time
- Forgetfulness
- Babbling beverage: causes the drinker to babble nonsense
Year 4
- Calming draught: calms a person after they've suffered a shock, trauma or emotional outburst
- Shrinking solution
- Weedosoros: a powerful poison
- Pepperup: alleviates symptoms of the common cold
- Beautification: enhances the attractiveness of the drinker
- Ageing: temporarily ages the imbiber
- Skele-gro: regrows bones that have vanished or somehow lost
Year 5
- Hair-raising: causes the drinkers hair to stand on end
- Draught of Peace: relieves a drinkers anxiety and agitation
- Deflating draught: causes anything swollen by magical means to shrink back to its original size
- Befuddlement draught: causes the drinker to become belligerent and reckless
- Wit-sharpening: allows the drinker to think more clearly
- Erumpent: a highly volatile potion that explodes on contact
- Everlasting Elixirs: potions that never run out
Year 6
- Wound-cleaning: an antiseptic used to steralise wounds
- Cheese-based: various potions that use cheese as a main ingredient
- Laughing: a potion that induces unbridled merriment
- Cough: a potion that cures irritation in the throat
- Dreamless sleep: a potion that induces sleep and prevents nightmares
- Regerminiating: a potion that forces plants to germinate
- Memory: a potion that enhances the drinkers memory
- Scintillation solution: a potion recognisable by it's sparkling sheen
- Essence of Insanity: a potion that causes irrational decision making
- Garroting gas: a gas that causes choking by catching people by the neck
Year 7
- Veritaserum: a potion that forces the drinker to tell the truth
- Rat tonic: a healing potion for aging rats
- Antidote to Veritaserum: a potion used to counter the effects of Veritaserum
- Draught of Living Death: a potion that sends the drinker into a death-like slumber
- Mandrake Restorative Draught: a potion used to restore those who have been transfigured or cursed to their original state
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 1
- Nox: extinguishes the light at the end of the caster's wand
- Alohomora: known as the Thief's Friend, this charm unlocks and opens sealed doors
- Throw Teacup: a duelling tactic that involves surprising your opponent by throwing a nose-biting teacup at them
- Wingardium Leviosa: Make the 'gar' nice and long
- Rictusempra: great for tickling anyone in your path, friend or foe
- Expelliarmus: the duelist's go-to charm, it relieves an opponent of his or her wand
- Flipendo: quite simply knocks back the caster's target
- Lumos: provides illumination from the tip of the caster's wand
- Charm to cure reluctant reversers: enhances a broom's ability to reverse
- Jelly Legs Jinx: causes the victim's legs to collapse as if they were jelly
Year 2
- Engorgio: enlarges an object
- Reducio: shrinks an object to diminutive size
- Incendio: conjures a blast of flame that can set anything alight
- Episkey
- Meteolojinx recanto: counters the effect of weather-modifying charms
Year 3
- Finite Incantatem: a general counter-spell for practical use
- Petrificus Totalus: the Full Body-Bind Curse freezes the target rigid
- Depulso: send objects and living things away from the caster
- Riddikulus: disrupts a boggarts shapeshifting ability, leading to its defeat by laughter
- Immobulus: this spell stops you in your tracks
- Glacius: a charm that conjures up a blast of freezing cold air from the end of the wand
Year 4
- Protego: casts a magical barrier that deflects physical objects and spells
- Bombarda: causes small explosions
- Confringo: causes whatever it comes into contact with to explode
- Ferula: bandages and splints broken bones
- Vermillious: casts red sparks from the tip of the wand
- Cistem Aperio: blasts open containers
- Scourgify: cleans objects, including small infestations of Bundimun
- Diffendo: precisely slices anything
- Arania Exumai: repels spiders
- Colloportus: locks or seals doors so that they cannot be opened manually
- Giant Dungbomb
- Cheering: makes the target happy
- Silencio: renders the victim temporarily mute
- Arresto Momentum: slows the velocity of an object
- Locomotor Morris: binds the victim's legs together
- Disillusionment: conceals the target is
- Descendo: causes an object to descend or lower itself
- Delerius: disintegrates the target
- Pack: makes items pack themselves into a trunk
- Muffliato: fills the ears of anyone in the vicinity with an unidentifiable buzzing sound
- Confundus: causes the target to be confused
- Lumos Maxima: produces a blinding flash of light from the tip of the wand
Year 6
- Drought: a charm used for drying up small bodies of water
- Knitting: a charm used for knitting needles to perform their task unaided
- Relashio:
- Bubble Head: a charm that causes a bubble to form around the casters head, creating fresh oxygen
- Gouging: gouges out portions of earth or stone
- Flipendo Maxima: knocks the target back with maximum force
- Blackboard Writing Spell: a charm that makes words appear on a blackboard
- Cleaning: a charm that tidies up
- Blue Sparks: causes the caster's wand to emit blue sparks
- Aguamenti: conjures a jet of clear drinkable water from the caster's wand
- Extinguishing: a charm used to magically extinguish fires
Year 7
- Ascendio: a charm that flings the caster or item high into the air
- Anti-Alohomora: a Counter-Charm that protects against the use of the Unlocking Charm
- Lumos Solem: a charm that creates a blinding flash of sunlight
- Impervius: a charm that makes an object repel water and mist
Year 1
- Mount Broom: demonstrate proper form before flying
- Summon Broom: lift your broom without touching it
- Lift-off and Landing: the basics of flying
Year 2
- Fast laps: demonstrate speed and agility while flying
- Weaving: show ability to turn quickly while flying
Year 3
- Rolling: make a complete rotation whilst maintaining direction in flight
- Diving: fly in a spiral motion
- Loop the loop: fly in a complete 360 degree circle
Year 4
- Formation Flying: coordinated flight of two or more brooms
- Sloth Grip Roll: a Quidditch tactic where a player hangs upside down, holding the broom tightly with their hands and feet
- Broom Surfing: standing atop your broom mid-flight
- Extreme Dive and Pull-Up: the flier dives straight towards the ground and pulls up at the last second
Year 5
- Reversing: quickly flying in the opposite direction without losing balance
- Agility Course - Over Under: flying above and beneath obstacles
- Starfish and Stick
- Agility Course - Thread the Needle: flying through a small opening without damaging yourself or the broom
- Agility Course - Advanced Weaving: flying in and out of various obstacles without losing speed
- Switching Brooms: trading brooms with another flier mid-flight
Year 6
- Wollongon Shimmy: a zig zag move performed at high speed to confuse opponents
- Taking Passengers: a tactic in which a passenger is added to a rider's broom
- Strong Braking: a sudden stop at high speed
- Riding Facing Backwards: flying on a broom orientated back to front
- Broom Casting: a technique to cast spells while flying
- Gripping Charm: a charm that makes an object easier to keep hold of
- Bell Tailslide: an aerial manoeuvre in which the flier enters a straight vertical climb before diving straight down
- Talirek Twirl: a controlled spinning manoeuvre best used for evasion
Year 7
- Surfing Loop: a trick in which a flier performs a flip while standing on their broom
- Surf Jump Through Hoop: a manoeuvre in which the flier jumps off their broom and through a hoop before landing back on their broom
- Split S: a defensive manoeuvre in which the flier inverts to execute a descending half loop, reversing their flight path
Taught from Year 2 onwards.
Year 2
- Reparifarge: reverses the effects of a transfiguration
- Revelio: this revealing spell shows the true nature of transfigured people and objects. It can also make invisible things visible.
- Reparo: repairs broken objects
- Porcupine to Pin Cushion: transforms a porcupine to a pin cushion.
- Spongify: softens the target area or object - makes any object springy and squishy.
Year 3
- Felifors: transfigures a cat into a cauldron. Whiskers not included.
- Duro: hardens even the softest pillow
- Owl to Opera Glasses: transforms an owl into opera glasses
- Mice to Snuffbox: transforms your mouse into a snuffbox
Year 4
- Evanesco: vanishes both animate and inanimate objects
- Vera Verto: transfigures an animal into a water goblet
- Beetle into Button: transfigures a coat button into a beetle
- Colovaria: transports the style and colour of the casters hair
- Serpensortia: conjures a snake from the tip of a wand
- Orchideous: conjures a bouquet of flowers from the tip of a wand
Year 5
- Incarcerous: conjures rope that binds the target
- Switch: feather duster & ferret: turns a feather duster into a ferret
- Switch: piggy bank & guinea pig: transfigures a piggy bank into a guinea pig
- Switch: top hat & rabbit: turns a top hat into a rabbit
- Switch: pillow & armadillo
- Switch: tortoise & hare: turns a tortoise into a hare
- Goldfinch to Golden
- Lovebird to Love Note
Year 6
- Cauldron Cakes to Cabbages: turns a cauldron cake into a cabbage
- Teacup into Gerbil: turns a teacup into a gerbil
- Avis
- Pawn to Queen: turns a pawn chess piece into a queen chess piece
- Flobberworm to Fritter: turns a flobberworm into an edible fritter
- Gnome to Lawn Gnome: turns an ordinary gnome into a Muggle lawn gnome
- Puffskein to Paperweight: turns an adorable Puffskein into a useful paperweight
- Fairy Cakes to Fairies: turns a delicious fairy cake into an obnoxious fairy
- Bowling Ball to Balloon: turns a Muggle bowling ball into a floating balloon
Year 7
- Toad to Toadstool: turns a toad into a toad-sized mushroom
- Tortoise to Trumpet: turns a tortoise into a musical instrument
- King to Rook: turns a chess piece into a bird of the Corvidae family
- Rubbish to Racoon Dog: turns ordinary refuse into ordinary raccoons
Taught from Year 3 onwards.
Year 3
- Mandrake: this plants cry can be fatal to those who hear it
- Valerian Sprigs: the roots of a Valerian plant are used as a potion ingredient
- Stinksap: a terrible smelling fluid found in plants like Mimbulus Mimbletonia
- Dried Nettles: a plant with stinging hairs that is used in potion making
- Snargaluff: hides dangerous thorn covered vines that attack when provoked
Year 4
- Wiggentree: a magical tree guarded by Bowtruckles. It's bark is used in potion making.
- Flitterbloom: a magical plant that has long swaying tentacles
- Shrivelfig: a magical plant with powerful properties in potions
- Wormwood: a bitter herb used in potion making
Year 5
- Belladonna: a poisonous plant with magical properties. It's fluids are used as potion ingredients
- Screechsnap: a 'semi sentient' magical plant with the ability to move and make noise
- Fanged Geranium: a magical flower with sharp teeth
- Dittany: a magical plant with healing and restorative properties
- Ginger Root: a spicy herb with healing properties that can be used in cooking and potion making
- Chinese Chomping Cabbage: a magical plant with the ability to chomp on other food
- Gillyweed: a water plant that allows the person who eats it to breathe under water
- Aconite: a plant with magical properties. Its flowers are useful in potion making but its leaves are very toxic.
- Puffapod: a magical plant that instantly flowers when it comes into contact with a solid object
- Herbivicus Charm:
Year 6
- Fluxweed: a mutable weed from the mustard family used in potion making
- Knotgrass: a magical plant used in potions and mead
- Bouncing Bulb: a magical plant that jumps around if left unrestrained
- Sneezewort
- Whomping Willow: a rare magical tree known for its sentience and violence
- Moly: a powerful plant that can be eaten to counteract enchantments
- Flutterby Bush: a plant whose enticingly scented flowers blooms only once every century
- Mistletoe: a festive plant whose poisonous berries are used in a variety of potions
- Sopophorous Plant: a magical plant whose beans have powerful magical properties
Year 7
- Asphodel: a plant used to create the Draught of Living Death
- Alihotsy: a species of magical tree whose leaves can induce uncontrollable laughter
Care of Magical Creatures
Taught from Year 4 onwards.
Year 4
- Firecrab: a magical creature with a jewelled shell that shoots flames from its rear end
- Bowtruckle: a small twig-like creature that guards wand-wood trees
- Niffler: a fluffy burrowing creature with a predilection for anything glittery
- Murtlap: marine beast resembling a rat with a growth on its back resembling a sea anemone
- Streeler: a giant snail that changes colour on an hourly basis and leaves a venomous trail
- Kneazle: a magical feline creature that is similar in appearance to a cat
Year 5
- Fairy: a small human-like creature which lives mainly in woodlands and glades
- Crup: a wizard -bred dog with a forked tail. Loyal to wizards,
- Porlock: a small creature that guards horses and is mistrustful of humans
- Puffskein: a popular wizarding pet that does not object to being cuddled or thrown about
- Unicorn: a majestic equine with potential magical properties, and a horn sticking out of its head
- Flobberworm: a herbiverous and toothless brown worm which eats mainly lettuce
- Chimaera: a violent creature that is part lion, goat and dragon
Year 6
- Glumbumble: a furry flying insect. Produces a treacle that induces melancholy
- Diricawl: a flightless bird long thought to be extinct in the Muggle world
- Fwooper: a brightly coloured bird whose song can cause insanity
- Moke: a lizard with the ability to shrink on demand
- Thestral: a breed of winged horse only visible to those who have seen death
- Jackalope: a creature resembling a jackrabbit and with horns like an antelope
- Knarl: a highly suspicious creature that resembles a hedgehog
- Doxy: a small fairy-like creature that bites, and can infest houses
- Golden Snidget
- Imp: a diminutive creature with a fondness for slapstick humour
Year 7
- Quintaped
- Occamy: a winged two legged create that grows or shrinks in order to fit the available space
- Demiguise: a peaceful ape-like creature capable of turning invisible and seeing the future
- Dugbog: a marsh-dwelling beast with sharp teeth that resembles a log when stationery
Defence Against the Dark Arts
Taught from Year 5 onwards.
Year 5
- Ghoul: a slimy buck-toothed creature that usually lives in attics or barns
- Hex-Deflection: the practise of deflecting hexes
- Impedimenta: slows the target
- Pixie: a small bright blue creatives that loves tricks and practical jokes
- Stupefy: renders the target unconscious or semi conscious
- Mimblewimble: binds the targets tongue to prevent him or her from talking about a specific subject
- Trip Jinx: makes people trip and fall over
- Deprimo: blasts holes downward in things
- Fumos: creates a defensive cloud of smoke from the tip of the wand
- Lacarnum Inflamari: ignites the targets cloak by shooting a fireball from the tip of the caster's wand
- Curse of the Bogies: gives the victim a nasty cold and a runny nose
- Vipera Evanesca: causes a snake to vanish in a puff of black smoke
- Reductor Curse: blasts solid objects into pieces
- Everte Statum: causes the target to fly back several feet and experience a short sharp pain
- Densaugeo: causes teeth to elongate at an alarming rate
- Homenum Revelio: reveals human presence in the surrounding environment
Year 6
- Ear Shrivelling Curse: a curse that causes the ears of the target to shrivel up
- Langlock: a jinx that locks the tongue to the top of the mouth
- Sea Urchin Jinx: a jinx that turns the target into a sea urchin
- Leviocorpus
- Cave Iminicum: creates a boundary that conceals the presence of all those within it
- Banshees: a malevolent spirit with cries could prove fatal
- Flesh eating slug
- Imperturtable Charm: a charm that creates an invisible barrier around an object, muffling any sound
- Stretching Jinx: an unpleasant jinx that causes the target to stretch to unnatural proportions
- Kappa: A Japanese water demon that is known to feed on human blood
Year 7
- Chameleon Ghoul: a variety of ghoul that disguises itself by changing its shape
- Gnome
- Manticore: a dangerous creature with a human-like head, a lions body and a scorpions tail
- Concealment Charms: charms used to conceal things from view and to obfuscate inherent magical properties of objects
- Bombards Maxima: causes a large explosion. The strongest variation of the Exploding Charm.
- Nogtail: a demon resembling a stunted piglet that brings blight to farms
- Furnunculus: causes a person to break out in boils when it comes in contact with their skin
History of Magic
Taught from Year 5 onwards.
Year 5
- Medieval Assembly of European Wizards: a wizarding organisation operating across continental Europe, which has existed for centuries
- Giant Wars: wizarding conflicts with great historical significance
- Goblin Rebellion of 1612: one of a series of rebellions where goblins revolted against unfair treatment
- International Statute of Secrecy: a law that safeguards the wizarding community from Muggles and hide their presence from the world
- Witch Hunts of 14th Century: an ineffective and pointless Muggle practice that did nothing to decrease the Wizarding population
- Werewolf Code of Conduct 1637: a set of rules outlining the responsibilities of werewolves
- International Warlock Convention of 1289: a historically important meeting held in the thirteenth century
Year 6
- Uprising of Ulfric the Eager: a revolt led by Ulfric the Eager
- History of Wansdlore: a subject that dates back over 2000 years and still holds mysteries to uncover
- Witch Trials of 1692: trials involving accusing and persecuting those associated with witchcraft
- Wendelin The Weird: a witch with a proclivity for being caught and burned at the stake
- Gargyole Strike of 1911: a conflict between a group of wildcat Gargoyles and their leadership
- Dissolving of the Wizards Council: the downfall of the longest-serving governing body of the British wizarding community
- Ancient Runes: a system of writing used by witches and wizard from a distant past
- Owl Airforce: an effort by wizards to utilise owls in military operations during the First World War
- Uric the Oddball: a famously eccentric wizard who lived through the Middle Ages
- 14th Century Wizarding Economic Bubble: an economic bubble that was burst by the Soap Blizzard of 1378
Year 7
- Emeric the Evil: a dark wizard renowned for terrorising London in the Middle ages
- Alchemy in Medieval Europe
- Founding of St Mungo's Hospital: a Wizarding hospital located in London, England that was founded in the 1600s by Mungo Bonham
- Warlock Convention of 1709: an 18th century conference of the wizarding community in which dragon breeding was officially outlawed
- Soap Blizzard of 1378: an event that led to the bursting of the 14th Century Wizarding Economic Bubble
Taught from Year 6 onwards.
Year 6
- Palmistry: reading palms to predict character and destiny
- Tessomancy: reading tea leaves to predict the future
- Cartomancy: divining the future through tarot cards
- Crystal-gazing: using the crystal ball to devine the future
- Numerology: the use of numbers to divine ones character and life path
- Xylomancy: an often overlooked form of divination using twigs
- Myomancy: divining the future by observing the behaviour of rats and mice
- Dream Interpretation: analysing dreams to uncover hidden meanings
- Bibliomancy: consulting the pages of a book at random in order to divine ones future
- Ovomancy: cracking open eggs and observing which way the yolks fall to forsee the future
- Ornithomancy: the art of foretelling the future by interpreting the behaviour of birds
- Smoke Patterns: divining the future by looking at the movements of smoke after a fire is made
- Phyllomancy: catching glimpses of the future using the scattered leaves
- Lithomancy: the art of divining the future through the casting of stones
Taught from Year 6 onwards.
Year 6
- Lunar Phases: observing, predicting and recording all phases of the moon
- Making Star Charts: Recording the positions of the stars to create a map of the night sky
- Cosmic Ages: estimating the age of various celestial bodies based on observable phenomena
- Space Weather: observing the effects of the solar wind and other solar activity on our planet
- Meteor Showers: determining the origins of meteor showers and how to measure them
Year 7
- Dark Cloud Constellations: mapping interstellar dark nebulas and dust clouds
- Rogue Plants: tracking planets that do not directly orbit any stars
- Dark Matter and Dark Energy: cosmic mysteries that comprise 95% of all the known universe
- Black Holes and Worm Holes: black holes and worm holes arise when the structure of spacetime is strongly bent by gravity
- Jupiter's Moon: With a total of 79 known moons, Jupiter almost technically qualifies as a solar system
Muggle Studies
Taught in Year 7:
- Rotary Phone: a Muggle communication device
- Rubber Duck: a Muggle artefact that produces a delightful squeaking noise
- Hair Spray: a Muggle spray that holds hair in place
- Toaster: a Muggle device used for burning individual slices of bread
- Roller blades: a Muggle mode of transportation that consists of wheels attached to a shoe
- Cars: a Muggle mode of transportation that's a bit like a house on wheels, powered by an internal combustion engine
- Blender: a Muggle device used to crush foods into tiny bits, sometimes creating drinkable meals
- Flight: a miracle of Muggle ingenuity utilising mysterious scientific principles and elaborate technologies
~ Albus Dumbledore
Headmaster at Hogwarts.
~ Armando Dippett
Headmaster at Hogwarts School and predecessor of Albus Dumbledore
~ Circe
Ancient Greek witch who found joy transfiguring lost sailors into pigs.
~ Cliodna
Ingenious Irish druidess who first discovered the properties of moondew.
~ Roderick Plumpton
Seeker for the Tutshill Tornados and the inventor of the Plumpton Pass.
~ Magenta Comstock
Experimental artist whose portraits' eyes follow the viewer.
~ Mykew Gregorovitch
Famous wandmaker and the proprietor of Gregorovitch Zauberstabe.
~ Garrick Ollivander
World-renowned wandmaker and the proprietor of Ollivanders in Diagon Alley.
~ Mungo Bonham
Founder of St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries.
~ Miranda Goshawk
A witch and a celebrated author who specialised in writing Charms spellbooks.
~ Celestina Warbeck
A Welsh half-blood witch and popular singer known as "The Singing Sorceress".
~ Godric Gryffindor
Founder of Gryffindor House at Hogwarts.
~ Ignatia Wildsmith
A wizarding inventor and the creator of Floo Powder.
~ Uric the Oddball
A medieval wizard who became famous for wearing a jellyfish as a hat.
~ Rowena Ravenclaw
Founder of Ravenclaw House at Hogwarts.
~ Hengist of Woodcroft
Founder of the village of Hogsmeade in Scotland.
~ Helga Hufflepuff
Founder of Hufflepuff House at Hogwarts.
~ Merlin
A legendary British wizard who was a member of King Arthur's court.
~ Salazar Slytherin
Founder of Slytherin House at Hogwarts.
~ Beatrix Bloxam
A witch who wrote the infamous Toadstool Tales.
~ Gilderoy Lockhart
A wizarding celebrity who authored books on his encounters with dark creatures.
~ Gaspard Shingleton
An inventor who first devised the Self-Stirring Cauldron.
~ Bertie Bott
Inventor of Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans.
~ Herpo the Foul
An ancient Greek Dark Wizard, infamous for being a pioneer of the Dark Arts.
~ Morgan Le Fay
A medieval dark witch and the half-sister of King Arthur.
~ Artemisia Lufkin
The first female to serve as Minister of Magic.
~ Wendelin the Weird
An eccentric witch famous for being burnt at the stake in various disguises.
~ Cornelius Agrippa
A celebrated wizard who authored many works on wizards and magic.
~ Gulliver Pokeby
A Magizoologist and the author of Why I Didn't Die When the Augurey Cried.
~ Newton Scamander
Famed Magizoologist and the author of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.
~ Cyprian Youdle
The only known Quidditch referee to have been killed during a Quidditch match.
~ Devlin Whitehorn
A wizard who is 1067 founded the Nimbus Racing Broom Company.
~ Gunhilda de Gorsemoor
A one-eyed witch and Healer who discovered a cure for Dragon Pox.
~ Nicola Flamel
Famed alchemist who was the only known creator of the Philosopher's Stone.
~ Gregory the Smarmy
A potioneer who invented Gregory's Unctuous Unction.
~ Alberic Grunnion
Inventor of the Dungbomb.
~ Adalbert Waffling
A magical theoretician accredited to have written All About Magic.
~ Cassandra Vablatsky
An author of Unfogging the Future, a Divination textbook required at Hogwarts.
~ Tilly Toke
A British witch who saved the lives of several Muggles during the Ilfracombe Incident.
~ Flavius Belby
The only known wizard to survive a Lethifold attack.
~ Jocunda Sykes
A witch who was famous for flying across the Atlantic Ocean on a broomstick.
~ Liu Tao
Chinese Minister for Magic in the 1930s.
~ Seraphina Picquery
President of the Magical Congress of the United States of America in the 1920s.
~ Kennilworthy Whisp
An English wizard and author of Quidditch Through the Ages.
~ Ludo Bagman
Former Quidditch Beater and Head of the Department of Magical Games and Sports.
~ Millicent Bagnold
British Minister for Magic in the 1980s.
~ Bathilda Bagshot
A magical historian and the author of Hogwarts' textbook A History of Magic.
~ Chauncey Oldridge
First person to fall victim to dragon pox.
~ Anton Vogel
German Minister for Magic and Supreme Mugwump of the I.C.W. in the early 1930s.
~ Barberus Bragge
A British wizard who introduced the Golden Snidget into Cuaditch.
~ Grogan Stump
Minister for Magic who established the Department of Magical Games and Sports.
~ Ulick Gamp
The first British Minister for Magic in the 1710s.
~ Bowman Wright
Inventor of the golden snitch.
~ Vicensia Santos
Supreme Mugwhump of the Internation Confederation of Wizards in 1932.
~ Paracelsus
A wizard and alchemist from the 16th century.
~ Elfrida Clagg
Chieftainess of the Wizards' Council who was successor to Burdock Muldoon.
~ Chinese Fireball
Has golden spikes and crimson eggs.
~ Ukrainian Ironbelly
Is the largest breed of dragon and has metallic grey scales.
~ Romanian Longhorn
Has dark green scales and long golden horns.
~ Peruvian Vipertooth
They eat humans and is the smallest breed of dragon.
~ Hungarian Horntail
Has a spikey tail and shoots fire as far as fifty feet.
~ Norwegian Ridgeback
They have spiny wings and they feed on aquatic creatures.
~ Hebridean Black
Eats fresh venison and has bat-like wings.
Creative Arts
~ Famous Magical Paintings
Witch and Wizard Couple
Godric's Hollow at Night
~ Famous Wizarding Poet
Ingolfr the Iambic
~ Famous Wizard Painters
Rodrick Plumpton
Amos Diggory
~Wizarding Playright
~ Wizarding Bands
The Hobgoblins
The Bent-Winged Snitches
The Bent-Winged Snitches
~ Wizarding Author
Mopsy Fleabert
Patron Ghosts
Gryffindor: Nearly Headless Nick
Hufflepuff: The Fat Friar
Ravenclaw: The Grey Lady
Slytherin: The Bloody Baron
Hecate Hardbroom's wand
11 inch hornbeam with dragon heartstring core.
Information in this post were derived from the smartphone app game 'Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery'.
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