Tuesday 1 February 2022

Letter from Mr Wolowitz

Howard knowing and not knowing the contents of his father's letter can be achieved by creating a macroscopic example of quantum superposition - the principle that a physical system exists partially in all its possible states at once. 

Each member of the friendship group presented Howard with an account of what his father wrote to him. Only one of which is true, and they don't tell him which one it is. Howard will forever be in a state of epistemic ambivalence.

Raj: It was a card for your 18th birthday. Inside it said: "Happy birthday, Howard. I love you. Dad." 

Sheldon: It was a map leading to the lost treasure of famous pirate 'One-Eyed Willy'.

Amy: You didn't know it but your father was in the auditorium at your high school graduation and he cried because he was so proud of you.

Penny: It was a letter explaining that your dad wasn't who he said he was. Eventually his other life caught up to him and the only way to keep you and your mom safe was to leave.

Leonard: Your dad wrote about how family is the most important thing and that you should never throw it away like he did. 

Bernadette: Inside the envelope was a picture of your dad holding you the day you were born. On the back he wrote, "Howard, my son, my greatest gift."


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