Friday 1 January 2016


Ultrasound showed two
One daughter named Dove, soft
and gentle and cooing
with affection
The other, named Wing, beating
free and flying strong.

Methodical people named them.

Wing and Dove.
Horrid were the two names,
almost evil.

Dove was a complete bird,
a complete child.
Wing - that was just a portion,
a limb so to speak,
wrenched off, and lost forever.

Could a Wing be born alone?
Fly free and be strong?
No, without it's identical match, 
Wing is nothing.

Wing and Dove.
Notice that
Wing is First
Dove is Second.
A Factory Second. Irregular.
But Wing had split, and died.

Found poem was written circa 1996-1998 and is copyright to the Domestic Goblin. Inspired by 'The Perfume' written by Caroline B. Cooney.


Wing and Dove

The sweet smell of... EVIL

Dry Ice

Gentle and kind, a whole bird

Just a portion, wrenched off and lost forever...

The Vanished Twin

Saved by lilac-scented air...

The above found/cut up poem was written circa 2015-2016 and was inspired by the same book.


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