Friday 1 January 2016

Mr Racine

A Fable by Angela Chase

Once upon a time there was a girl.
She lived in a house of gingerbread and candy.
She was always asleep.
One day she woke up
and the candy was mouldy.
Her father blew her a kiss and the house collapsed.
She walked down a street full of strangers.
They were swaying like paper dolls.
She blew them all kisses and watched them disappear.

Once upon a time there was a girl.
She lived in a house of gingerbread and candy.
One day she woke up.
She woke up.

Haiku for Him by Sharon Cherski

He peels off my clothes like a starving man would peel an orange. 
His lips taste my juicy sweetness. My legs tangle with his. 
We become one being. A burning furnace, in the cold cement basement of love.

Derived from the TV series: My So-Called Life

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