Tuesday 1 December 2015

Troll Security Service

Types of Mountain Troll and Woodland Troll:

~ Ringlefinch

~ Rimetosser

~ Tosserlad

~ Mountain King

~ Harding

~ Jotnar


~ Trolls are mammals

~ Trolls can smell Christian blood

~ Trolls turn to stone or explode when exposed to sunlight/UV rays

Troll Delicacies:

~ Concrete

~ Charcoal

~ Car tyres

* Post inspired by the film Trollhunter *

Decadent Intellectualism

First-year undergraduate Theology paper

1) Explain Luther's doctrine of the Cross. What is the difference between a "theologian of glory" and a "theologian of the Cross"?

2) What does Kant mean by the statement: "A hundred real thalers would not be worth more than a hundred possible thalers."

3) "Believers have a perpetual struggle with their own lack of faith." Explain what Calvin meant by this sentence.

* Information derived from Sidney Chambers and the Perils of the Night by James Runcie *

A Canon Has To Eat As Well...

Supper with Hildegard Staunton at Le Bleu Blanc Rouge:

Homemade pate and toast

Chicken breast with new potatoes

Chocolate mousse laced with Grand Marnier

Dinner in St John's Wood hosted by Nigel and Juliette Thompson:

Mackerel pate with Melba toast

Chicken casserole with green beans and toasted almonds

Lemon tart

* Post inspired by the novel Sidney Chambers and the Perils of the Night written by James Runcie *

Mysterious New Year's Eve Dinner Party

Thursday 31st December 1953
St John's Wood, London
Hosted by Nigel Thompson MP and Mrs Juliette Thompson

Special guests:
Canon Sidney Chambers
Miss Daphne Young
Mr Guy Hopkins
The Hon. Amanda Kendall
Mrs Mary Dowland
Mr Mark Dowland
Miss Jennifer Chambers
Mr Jonathan Johnson

French onion soup
Pheasant accompanied by roast parsnips, carrots, cabbage and game chips
Lemon meringue pie

Served with Beaujolais and Champagne

* Information derived from the book: Sidney Chambers and the Shadow of Death written by James Runcie *

Luncheon with Lord Teversham

Locket Hall, Cambridge

Cicely Teversham
 Amanda Kendall
Sidney Chambers
Roast beef and Yorkshire pudding
Served with Mouton Rothchild 1949
Banana fritters
Served with a rather fruit little Gail

* Post inspired by the novel Sidney Chambers and the Shadow of Death written by James Runcie *

The Holbein Rustler

Wilkie Phillips

Has a preference for the rare Anne Boleyn painting by Holbein. 

Lives in a farmhouse outside of Ely.

Stocks up on:
~ Condensed milk
~ Salmon paste
~ Bread
~ Bananas

* Information derived from the novel: Sidney Chambers and the Shadow of Death *