Tuesday 1 November 2011


According to Paulo Coelho, collective madness is called sanity - individuals who do not fit into patterns that society considers to be "normal" are classed as insane.

You might be involuntarily committed if you do the following:

~ Believe that you are a cyborg and eat nothing but batteries.

~ Display symptoms of schizophrenia.

~ Claim that you are having visions of Paradise.

~ Use a tennis racket to mash potatoes (Sam from Benny &  Joon).
~ Use an iron and an ironing board to make grilled cheese sandwiches (Sam from Benny &  Joon).

~ Display symptoms of a zoophagous maniac.

~ Dress up like Leon from The Professional and talk to your peace lily pot plant (Out of the Dark).
~ Believe that ghosts are scared of people with healthy shiny hair (Out of the Dark).
~ Believe that cling film can be used to capture the essence of an evil spirit (Out of the Dark).
~ Believe that by applying cows tears onto your eye lids will enable you to see dead people (Out of the Dark).
~ Believe that ghosts are afraid of cows and any products containing cows milk (Out of the Dark).
~ Believe that Malteasers can be used as effective ghost bullets (Out of the Dark).

~ Experience a serotonin imbalance.

~ Wear one red sock and one blue sock and believe that by rubbing them together will cause enough friction to help you fly.

* Please note that this post is meant to be a humourous collection of social/cultural stereotypes of those with mental health issues as depicted in various films and books *

Dinner Is Served...

~ 1920s Informal Dinner Party ~
Venue: Brinkley Court Country House, Worcestershire.
Hosts: Tom and Dahlia Travers.
Chef: Anatole.

~ Menu ~

Consommé aux Pommes d'Amour.

Timbales de riz de veau Toulousaine.

Nonnettes de poulet Agnes Sorel.

Cepes a la Rossini.

Mousse au Chocolat.

~ 1920s Formal Dinner Party ~
Venue: Brinkley Court Country House, Worcestershire.
Hosts: Tom and Dahlia Travers.
Chef: Anatole.

~ Menu ~

Caviar Frais.


Consommé aux Pommes d'Amour.

Sylphides à la crême d'Ecrivisses.

Mignonette de poulet petit Duc.

Points d'asperges à la Mistinguette.

Suprême de fois gras au champagne.

Neige aux Perles des Alpes.

Timbale de ris de veau Toulousaine.

Salade d'endive et de céleri.

Le Plum Pudding.

L'Etoile au Berger.

Benedictins Blancs.

Bombe Nero.




~ 1899 State Banquet ~
Venue: Windsor Castle.
Host: Queen Victoria.
Guests: Emperor and Empress of Germany.

~ Menu ~

Consommé à la Portugaise. Puree Madeleine.

Cabillaud, sauce aux huitres.

Filet de Merlans frits, sauce Anchois.

Quenelles a la Regente.

Ballotines a la Canard a la Cumberland.

Boeuf braise a la Hussarde.

Gigot d'Agneau roti.

Faisans. Pommes de terre en rubans.

Pain d'Epinards a la Maitre d'hotel.

Mehlspeise mit fruchten.

Profiteroles aux chocolat.

Tartelettes a la Suisse.

~ 1970's Informal Dinner Party ~

~ Menu ~

Prawn and Avocado Cocktail.

Duck a l'Orange.

Black Forest Cherry Gateau.

~ Public Dining ~
Venue: The Fat Duck Restaurant, Berkshire
Host/Chef: Heston Blumenthal

~ Tasting Menu ~

Nitro Poached Aperitifs
Vodka and Lime Sour, Gin and Tonic, Campari Soda.

Red Cabbage Gazpacho
Pommery Grain Mustard Ice Cream.

Jelly of Quail, crayfish cream
Chicken Liver Parfait, Oak Moss and Truffle Toast.

Snail Porridge
Iberico Bellota Ham, Shaved Fennel.

Roast Foie Gras
Barberry, Braised Konbu and Crab Biscuit.

Mock Turtle Soup (c.1850)
"Mad Hatter Tea"

"Sound Of The Sea"

Salmon poached in a liquorice gel
Artichokes, Vanilla Mayonnaise and Golden Trout Roe.

Anjou Pigeon
Blood Pudding, Risotto of Spelt and Umbles.

Hot and Iced Tea. 

Tafferty Tart (c.1660)
Caramelized Apple, Fennel, Rose and Candied Lemon.

The "BFG"
Kirsch Ice Cream and the smell of the Black Forest.

Whisk(e)y Wine Gums.

"Like a Kid in a Sweetshop".

~ 2011 State Banquet ~
Venue: Buckingham Palace.
Host: Queen Elizabeth II.
Guests: President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama.

~ Menu ~

Paupiette de Sole et Cresson Sauce Nantua.

Agneau de la Nouvelle Saison de Windsor au Basilic.

Courgettes et Radis Sautées.
Panaché d’Haricots Verts.
Pommes Boulangère.

Charlotte à la Vanille et Cerises Griottes.

Fruits de Dessert.

~ 1953 First Coronation Lunch ~
Host: Queen Elizabeth II

~ Menu ~

Clear Turtle Soup.

Scottish Salmon with Cucumbers, Souce Verte.

Baron of Beef, Jacket Potatoes, Salad.

Norfolk Asparagus, Sauce Hollandaise.

Ice Pudding, Kent Strawberries, Maids of Honour.


~ The Last Dinner ~
As served in the first-class dining saloon of the R.M.S. Titanic on 14 April 1912

~ Menu ~
Hors D'Oeuvres

Consommé Olga
Cream of Barley

Poached Salmon with Mousseline Sauce, Cucumbers

Filet Mignons Lili
Saute of Chicken, Lyonnaise
Vegetable Marrow Farci

Lamb, Mint Sauce
Roast Duckling, Apple Sauce
Sirloin of Beef, Chateau Potatoes
Green Pea
Creamed Carrots
Boiled Rice
Parmentier & Boiled New Potatoes

Punch Romaine

Roast Squab & Cress

Cold Asparagus Vinaigrette

Pate de Foie Gras

Waldorf Pudding
Peaches in Chartreuse Jelly
Chocolate & Vanilla Eclairs
French Ice Cream

~ Medieval Banquet ~

~ Menu ~

Miniature pastries filled either with cod liver or beef marrow
A cameline meat "brewet" (pieces of meat in a thin cinnamon sauce)
Beef marrow fritters
Eels in a thick spicy puree
Loach in a cold green sauce flavored with spices and sage
Large cuts of roast or boiled meat
Saltwater fish

"The best roast that may be had"
Freshwater fish
Broth with bacon
A meat tile (pieces of chicken or veal, simmered, sautéed, served in a spiced sauce of pounded crayfish tails, almonds and toasted bread and garnished with whole crayfish tails)
Capon pasties and crisps
Bream and eel pasties
Blang Mang

Lampreys with hot sauce
Roast bream and darioles


LUSH - Fresh Handmade Cosmetics

Headquarted in Poole, Dorset, United Kingdom.
Founded in 1994 by husband and wife team: Mark and Mo Constantine.
Offers handmade face, body and hair products that are solely tested on human volunteers.
Click here to read their values.

I have to admit that since LUSH opened their first stores, I have avoided them like the plague - mainly because of the overwhelming scent as soon as you step foot into any of their stores - inducing headaches and sneezing in myself and my shopping partner. Therefore I have never stayed longer than three seconds and therefore never really found out why so many people rave about them.

Sixteen years later, my shopping partner and I walked past a LUSH store, but this time our senses reacted differently. The smell emitting from the store actually intrigued and enticed us inside and we did not suffer from any of the allergic reactions we had previously experienced. For once we were actually able to spend some time looking at the products on offer.

I am currently intrigued by their solid bubble bars and their solid shampoo bars particularly as they do not contain preservatives like liquid products do. By choosing a solid product, there is no need for packaging, eliminating the use of plastic bottles.

You never know, LUSH bath products may appear on my list intended for people who are not sure what to buy me for Christmas or for my Birthday...