Tuesday 1 November 2011


According to Paulo Coelho, collective madness is called sanity - individuals who do not fit into patterns that society considers to be "normal" are classed as insane.

You might be involuntarily committed if you do the following:

~ Believe that you are a cyborg and eat nothing but batteries.
~ Display symptoms of schizophrenia.
~ Claim that you are having visions of Paradise.
~ Use a tennis racket to mash potatoes.
~ Use an iron and an ironing board to make grilled cheese sandwiches.
~ Display symptoms of a zoophagous maniac.

~ Dress up like Leon from The Professional and talk to your pot plant.
~ Believe that cling film can be used to capture the essence of an evil spirit.
~ Believe that by applying cows tears onto your eye lids will enable you to see dead people.
~ Believe that ghosts are afraid of cows and any products containing cows milk.
~ Believe that Malteasers can be used as effective ghost bullets.
~ Experience a serotonin imbalance.
~ Wear one red sock and one blue sock and believe that by rubbing them together will cause enough friction to help you fly.

* Please note that this post is meant to be a humourous collection of social/cultural stereotypes of the mentally ill as depicted in various films and books *

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