Friday 1 July 2011

Peppermint Lounge

Things I am Grateful For

~ The opportunity to have Piano lessons during my childhood with Mrs Fuller.
~ The opportunity to have Violin lessons during my childhood with Mr Yangopoulos.
~ The opportunity to have Ballet and Tap dancing lessons during my childhood at the Gina Van Dyke Stage School.
~ The opportunity to join the Brownies during my childhood.
~ The opportunity to have driving lessons with Derek Keogh.
~ Love and support from my family.
~ True friends.
~ The Internet.
~ Music.

~ Digital cameras.
~ Clean drinking water.

~ British Summers.
~ Sunscreen.
~ Working toilets.
~ The hair cutting talent of Fred Gielly.
~ A workplace that promotes people based on their potential and not whether your face fits.

"Music is the international language. If there is music, the world will never end" - Wong Ka Kui.

1 comment:

  1. This is a very comprehensive list...clearly a very talented young lady with all those lessons. My list of things I am grateful for is a tad smaller...but i do cherish true friends!
