Thursday 1 July 2021

Danny and William go Pheasant Hunting

Secret methods to catching a pheasant

Method number 1: The Horse-hair Stopper

Take a few raisins and soak them in water overnight to make them plump, soft and juicy. Then cut good stiff horse hair into half inch lengths. Push one of these lengths through the middle of a raisin so that there's just a tiny bit of horse hair sticking out on each side. The horse hair makes the raisin stick to the pheasants throat and tickles it. The pheasant would be rooted to the spot and won't move it's legs.

Method number 2: The Sticky Hat

Dig a little hole in the ground. Then you twist a piece of pair into the shape of a cone and you fit this into the hole, hollow end up like a cup. Then you smear the insides of the paper cup with glue and drop in a few raisins. Leave a trail of raisins on the ground leading up to it. The pheasant comes pecking along the trail of raisins and when the pheasant gets to the hole, they pop their head inside to gobble up the raisins. The next thing they know is a paper
hat is stuck over their eyes and they can’t see a thing. 

Method number 3: The Sleeping Beauty

Soak a raisin until it swells. Make a small slit on the side with a razor blade. Hollow it out a little. Pour in some powder from sleeping pills. Then using a needle and thread, very carefully sew up the slit. Enough to put any pheasant to sleep.

* Information derived from Danny the Champion of the World, written by Roald Dahl *

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