Thursday 1 July 2021

Black & Bianco's Childrens' Book

Age range: 3-6 years.
Number of pages: 1030.


~ The academic: who survived the Stalinist purges and is now having flashbacks to that time. 

~ The academic's daughter: whose long, bitter marriage is collapsing around her.

~ The journalist who is investigating the academic because he suspects he was never in Russia at the time and then he falls obsessively in love with the daughter and sacrifices his whole career to become a lens grinder in Omsk.

Revised version of the characters/plot:

~ Instead of the academic and the journalist's daughter, it is about an elephant.

~ Instead of the Stalinist purges and the divorce and the investigation; it is about losing a balloon.

In essence: An elephant loses his balloon.

Title: The Elephant and the Balloon
Written by: Bernard Black
Illustrated by: Manny Bianco

"There's the elephant. 
He is happy with his balloon. 
Oh no! It's gone!
Where is it?
It's not behind the rhino.
Look in the alligator's mouth.
It's not there either.
Oh! The monkey's got it in the tree!
He brings it back.
They all drink lemonade.
The End."

* Information derived from Black Books S3:E2 *

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