Saturday 1 May 2021


The initial provocation: 
During Season 4, Episode 12, Joey knows it's Monica's laundry day which means she is wearing her old lady underpants.
Chandler knows that Monica can only eat tic-tac's in even numbers.

Challenge 1: Chandler and Joey to name all remaining five items in Rachel's shopping bag within six guesses (apart from the half-eaten box of cookies).
Wager: $10
Adjudicator: Ross.
~ Apples (yes)
~ Tortilla chips (yes)
~ Yoghurt (yes)
~ Diet soda (yes)
~ Orange juice (no)
~ Scotch tape (yes)

Rematch/Challenge 2: Personal questions test.
Wager: $100
Test questions setter: Ross.
Each team will answer ten questions. The first team to answer the most questions wins.
Categories: Fears & Pet Peeves; Ancient History; Literature; It's All Relative.

Chandler & Joey
Fears and Pet Peeves: What is Monica's biggest pet peeve?
Chandler & Joey's answer: Animals dressed as humans.
That is correct.

Monica & Rachel
Fears & Pet Peeves: According to Chandler, what phenomenon scares the bejesus out of him? 
Monica & Rachel's answer: Michael Flatley, Lord of the Dance.
That is correct.

Chandler & Joey
It's All Relative: Monica and I had a grandmother who died. You both went to her funeral. Name that grandmother.
Chandler and Joey's answer: Althea.
Althea is correct.

Monica & Rachel
Literature: Every week the TV guide comes to Chandler and Joey's apartment. What name appears on the address label?
Rachel's answer: It's Chandler Bing.
Correct answer: Miss Chanandler Bong.

After a while, the score is 9 to 8 in favour to Chandler and Joey. Monica and Rachel needs to get the next question correct to stay in the game:

Monica & Rachel
It's All Relative: What is the name of Chandler's father's Las Vegas all male burlesque?
Monica and Rachel's answer: Viva Las Gaygas.
Unfortunately that is correct.

Tie break situation
Lightning round: 30 seconds. All the questions you can answer. 
Wager increased: If Monica and Rachel wins, Chandler and Joey have to get rid of the rooster and the duck. If Chandler and Joey wins, they get Monica and Rachel's apartment.

~ Chandler & Joey
Q1) What was Monica's nickname when she was a field hockey goalie?
A) Big fat goalie.

Q2) Rachel claims this is her favourite movie.
A) Dangerous Liaisons.

Q3) Her actual favourite movie is?
A) Weekend at Bernie's.

Q4) In what part of her body did Monica get a pencil stuck at age 14?
A) (in audible).
Correct answer: Her ear.

Q5) Monica categorizes her towels. How many categories are there?
A) 11.


~ Monica & Rachel
Q1) What is Joey's favourite food?
A) Sandwiches.

Q2) Chandler was how old when he first touched a girl's breast?
A) 14?
No, 19.

Q3) Joey had an imaginary childhood friend. His name was?
A) Maurice.

Q4) His profession was?
A) Space cowboy.

Q5) What is Chandler Bing's job?
A) Numbers and processing and he carries a briefcase. Transponding. Transpondster.
No correct answers given and out of time.


Chandler and Joey wins.


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