Saturday 1 May 2021

Formula 86 Delayed Action Mouse-Maker

The Recipe

Boil the wrong end of the telescope for 21 hours until it gets soft.

Take 45 brown mice and chop off their tails with a carving knife and fry the tails in hair-oil until nice and crisp.

Simmer the mice in frog-juice for one hour.

Set a 24-hour alarm clock to go off at nine o'clock tomorrow morning. One clock will make enough for a thousand children. Roast it in the oven until crisp and tender.

Take the boiled telescope and fried mouse tails and cooked mice and roasted alarm clock and put them all together in a mixer. Then mix them at full speed. This will give a nice thick paste. While the mixer is still mixing, add the yolk of a gruntle's egg.

Then mix in the claw of crabcruncher; the beak of blabbersnitch; the snout of grobblesquirt and the tongue of a catspringer.

When you have mixed everything together in the mixer, you will have a green liquid.

Put one droplet of this liquid into a chocolate or sweet.

* Information derived from The Witches written by Roald Dahl *

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