Sunday 1 September 2019

DG's Pet Peeves

Grammatical and Conversational Pet Peeves:

Why are people adding an 's' to the end of certain words when they don't need to be pluralised? For example, 'simples', 'anyways'. I blame the meerkat adverts.

Why are people using the word 'super' incorrectly and in place of 'very' or 'really'? For example, "I am super excited" heard in various YouTube videos. I've always understood super to mean either 'above/beyond' or 'really big'.

Using the word 'lush' when describing something delicious. For example, "that's lush". I was of the understanding that lush refers to something growing abundantly or something that looks luxurious.

Overuse of the word 'amazing' when 'thank you' would have been more appropriate. Using 'amazing' sounds rather an exaggerated way to express something. For example, when someone brings you your coffee, say thank you, not amazing.  

Why do some heterosexual couples announce to the world that "we are pregnant"? No, the female is pregnant. The male is not pregnant. What you should be saying is something along the lines of "We are going to be parents".

This modern day lingo malarky is going to involve some gritted teeth and tuning out...
The joys of getting older...

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