Sunday 1 July 2018

Domestic Goblin's Rules for Food Part 2

Meat Ribs

~ The cut of the ribs of meat needs to be spare ribs. Baby back ribs are just inferior.

~ The sinew and fat still needs to be in tact and attached to the meat ribs. Trimming the fat and sinew off takes away the delicious moist flavour and renders it just dry meat. It is a sacrilege.

~ Texture is important. Whilst we need the meat to be cooked soft enough to bite off the bone, it mustn't be so soft that it just falls off. If I wanted meat that just fell off the bone I would order stewed meat or avoid ribs altogether.

~ The sauce needs to marinade the ribs rather than just be slathered over after cooking.

~ Ideal accompaniments include coleslaw, french fries, rice...


~ Preferred fish (in no particular order): hake, salmon, tuna steak, swordfish, sea bream, sea bass, dover sole, unagi, rainbow trout...

~ Ideally, fish skin needs to be descaled before cooking.


~ Maris Piper or King Edward potatoes make superior chips.

~ Thick cut chips (think fish and chip shop style) are preferred.

~ Skin and potato eyes needs to be peeled. 

~ Potatoes need to be twice fried: once fried to half-way then cooled and then fried for a second time when needed.

~ Most chip shops use vegetable oil for frying.

~ Once fried, the colour needs to be golden yellow. Crispy on the outside and fluffy on the inside. If the chips are dark and floppy, it is inferior and should not be consumed.

~ Season with a little salt and plenty of vinegar or lemon juice.

* Courgette fries and sweet potato fries are possible alternatives in order to reduce the bloated feeling when eating out *


"Love is patient, love is kind.

It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.

It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.

Love delights not in evil but rejoices with the truth.

It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

Love never fails."



Walled seaside town
Arches, five
Weather dependent boats
Exploring the monastic island; famous for lavender
Green tea
Exhausted by the coastal air

* Poem inspired by the Domestic Goblin's recent holiday with her number one *