Sunday 1 April 2018

Life has limits, but love has no bounds

May 1971

Asparagus with salmon,early peas, mint and new potatoes 
followed by 
Rhubarb poached with ginger and honey

Nine Acre Wood by the River Ouse

Oak and ash trees
Ramsons and marsh marigolds
Cow parsley and crab apple
Wood violets, herb Robert
Meadow buttercups and sanicle
Silver birch

Golden Harvest Casserole
Chicken marinated in cider, honey, soy sauce with sliced peaches

Dining Hall, Corpus Christi
Hot vichyssoise
Smoked salmon, cucumber sorbet
Venison stew
Black berry and apple sponge
Port, madeira, red and white dessert wine

Dr Johnson's Dictionary

Hildegard's perfume

"If ever beauty I did see, which I desired and got, t'was but a dream of thee"

* Information derived from Sidney Chambers and the Persistence of Love *

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