Thursday 1 March 2018

Corned Beef Sauce


1 tablespoon of olive oil
1 x onion, chopped
1 x tin of luncheon meat, chopped
Tomato puree, generous squeeze
1 x packet of passata
Mixed herbs, to taste
Mild chili powder, to taste,
1 x tin of corned beef
Frozen garden peas, generous handful

Cook and simmer in similar method as a Bolognese sauce in the above order.

Serve with pasta, rice, bread or lettuce.

*Inspired by Ghanaian influences*

Ursula Buffay

Hilarious porno film titles:

~ Good Will Humping

~ Buffay: The Vampire Layer

~ Lawrence of A Labia

~ Inspect Her Gadget

~ Sex Toy Story 2

* Info taken from an episode of FRIENDS *

No sequels or prequels please!

Iconic films that should have remained as stand alone films:

Battle Royale
The Matrix
Bridget Jones' Diary
Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
The Blair Witch Project
Charlie's Angels

*This list is not exhaustive*