Monday 1 February 2016

Bolognese Sauce a la Inglese

Beef mince
Pancetta (optional)
Passata (sieved tomatoes)
Onion, finely chopped
Carrot, grated
Mushroom, chopped
Splash of wine (optional)
Garlic, grated
Tomato puree, one squeeze
Bay leaves or oregano
Anchovy paste (optional)
Pinch of sugar
Dash of milk (towards the end)

Black Bean Spareribs / 豆豉排骨

Pork spare ribs, chopped to mouth sized pieces
Fermented black bean, finely chopped
Ginger, finely chopped
Garlic,  finely chopped
Spring onion,  finely chopped (optional)
Chili,  finely chopped (optional)
Pinch of salt and sugar
Dark soy sauce 

Mixed all the above ingredients together.

Then add two teaspoons of cornflour to the mixture and then oil to bind everything together.

Steam for half an hour.

Lasagne, Grace style

Lasagne verdi sheets (made with spinach).
Normal Bolognese sauce cooked in sunflower oil.
Carbonara/White sauce - top layer only.
Grated cheese.

Let it stand for 30 minutes before serving.

Cha Cha / 喳喳 / Mixed Bean Dessert

Garbanzo, black eyed beans, red kidney beans, red beans, green beans, wheat.

Wash all the ingredients.
Soak in hot water for at least one hour.
Add ten cups of water.
Bring to the boil.
Simmer for a maximum of three hours or until soft.
Add sugar or evaporated milk to taste.

To save time: Nissin Cha Cha Dessert Retort Pouch

Gai Dan Jay / 雞蛋仔 / Egg Waffles

100g plain flour
25g corn flour
1 tsp baking powder
2 eggs
100g sugar
60ml evaporated unsweetened milk
125ml water

Sieve plain flour, cornflour and baking powder in one bowl.
In a separate bowl, mix the eggs and sugar. Add milk and water whilst mixing then add the sieved flour etc. Mix until smooth.

Pour into a pre-heated and pre-oiled pan. Pour until 80% full. Close pan and  cook for one or two minutes.

Chinese Dried Pork / 豬肉幹

500g pork mince
1 tablespoon dark soy sauce
2 tablespoons oyster sauce
2 tablespoons light soy sauce
140g white sugar
1 tablespoon Chinese rosehip wine (or any cooking wine such as Sherry)

Mix everything together really well.
Flatten onto wire rack with a buttered grease-proof paper.
Let it marinade overnight.
Dry it out a bit.
Make sure there is another tray underneath when you place in oven.
Cook in less than eight minutes in a 180/190 degree oven.
Let it cool down before cutting and eating.

Crimble Crumble

175g plain flour
75g unsalted butter
110g soft brown sugar
1 tsp baking powder

Any fruit. Apple and blackberry is a classic combo. 

Cook in a 180 degree oven for 30 minutes.
Let it stand for at least 30 minutes before serving.

Vegetable Balti

Fine green beans
Aubergine (or courgettes)

Lloyd Grossman balti sauce

Tastes good with basmati rice or naan bread.

Mrs Beeton

Mint Sauce

3 heaped tablespoons of finely chopped young mint
Mix two of pounded and sifted sugar
Six of the best vinegar
Stir it until the sugar is dissolved.

Curry Powder Mix

Tumeric, 8 ounces
Coriander seeds, 4 ounces
Cumin seeds, 2 ounces
Fenugreek seeds, 2 ounces
Cayenne, half an ounce

An Excellent Substitute for Milk or Cream in Tea or Coffee

1 new-laid egg to every large breakfast-cupful of tea or coffee