Tuesday 1 October 2013

Connie Gustafson

Miss Holiday Golightly, Travelling

Occupation: Actress and Cafe Society Celebrity.

Brownstone Residence: Apartment 2, 169 East 71st Street, New York.

Pet: Red tiger striped tom cat.

Musical ability: Guitar.

Cigarettes: Picayunes.

Diet: Cottage cheese and Melba toast.

Eau de Cologne: 4711 Original.

Accessories: Dark prescription glasses; black dress; black sandals; pearl choker.

Real name: Lulamae Barnes.

Illegal secret: Married Doc Golightly aged 14.

Dinner at Tiffany's

Apartment 2, Upper East Side, Manhattan

Holly Golightly

Jose Yberra-Jaegar and Fred


~ Brandied Black Terrapin poured into Avocado Shells ~
~ Roasted Pheasant stuffed with Pomegranates and Persimmons ~
~ Chicken and Saffron Rice served with a Chocolate Sauce ~
~ Tobacco Tapioca ~

* Post inspired by Breakfast at Tiffany's written by Truman Capote *

Restaurant Hôtel de Paris

Dining with Kenneth Toomey and Don Carlo Campanati
~ Saumon Fumé de Hollande
~ Velouté de Homard au Paprika
~ Tourte de Ris-de-veau Brillat-Savarin
~ Selle d'Agneau de Lait Polignac
~ Pommes Dauphin         
~ Petit-Pois Fine-Fleur
~ Sorbet au Clicquot
~ Poularde Soufflée Impériale
~ Salade Aida
~ Crêpes Flambées au Grand Marnier
~ Coffret de Friandises
~ Corbeille de Fruits         
~ Café         
~ Liqueurs
* Menu taken from Earthly Powers by Anthony Burgess *