Sunday 1 July 2012

Middle-earth Meals

Supper at Tom Bombadil's House

The table was laden with "yellow cream and honeycomb, and white bread, and butter; milk, cheese and green herbs and ripe berries". Served with "clear cold water".

Supper at The Prancing Pony

The table laden with "hot soup, cold meats, a blackberry tart, new loaves, slabs of butter and half a ripe cheese". Served with beer.

Lunch at Isengard

"Salted pork, broiled bacon rashers, butter, honey and bread". Served with wine and beer.

Tea at the home of Bilbo Baggins

Seed cake; buttered scones; raspberry jam and apple tart; mince pies and cheese; pork pie and salad; boiled eggs; cold chicken and pickles. Served with tea, red wine, ale and coffee.

An evening meal with Faramir

To drink pale yellow wine, cool and fragrant, and eat bread and butter, and salted meats, and dried fruits, and good red cheese, with clean hands and clean knives and plates.

* All the information in this post were derived from 'The Lord of the Rings' and 'The Hobbit', both written by J.R.R. Tolkien *

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