Friday, 1 November 2024

Favourite Cantonese music specials

1) 郭富城 音樂特輯2之希臘驚情

Circa 1992/1993.

Aaron Kwok in Athens with:

Michael Chow Man Kin (周文健)
Christy Chung Lai Tai (鍾麗緹)
Patsy Lau Yan Ling (劉殷伶)

Click here for video.

Tony Leung (梁朝偉) and Faye Wong (王菲) music special filmed in Perth, Australia featuring Lawrence Cheng (鄭丹瑞).

Click here for video.

Cantonese Chinese Phrases

Sai fong yan 西方人 westerner
Oi gok yan 外國人 foreigner
Gwok jik  國籍 nationality
Juong jook 種族 ethnicity

Hong Kong gor szer wui, jung gok yan dor /  香港嘅社會,中國人多 / in Hong Kong society, Chinese people are the ethnic majority / there are many Chinese people in Hong Kong society

Hau gumm 口感 mouth feel/texture

Yut yeen wai ding 一言為定 deal (this phrase is used when you've made an agreement or a plan)

Jeurng but pongg 象拔蚌 geoduck (seafood, clam that looks like an elephants trunk)

面, 係人哋畀. 架, 係自己丟.
面子系人家畀嘅,脸皮系自己丢嘅。自己首先要做好,人家先会给面你;如果自己做唔好,就会无面,咎由自取,不能怨人。(Respect is given by others/you need to earn respect, face is lost by yourself/shame is brought on by yourself).

Sangg yee hing luong 生意興隆 (when someone opens their new business you wish them a booming/successful business).

我讀得書少,你唔好呃我 I am not well educated, don't lie to me /don't try to trick me.

天氣凍呀,記住著多件衫呀 weather is getting cold, remember to wear more clothes

藕絲步雲履 (sunwukongs shoes)

婊子養的 (bastard)

草泥馬祖國 (fuck the motherland)

Wu lei jingg 狐狸精 fox spirit or slang for someone who likes to seduce married men

Kye gar por 契家婆 mistress

Tung tzi gwun til dan chong/ see gow dan dan 童子軍跳彈床 / Scout 彈 (rude slang for whatever / screw that)

See fut gwei / 屎忽鬼 (derogatory term for gay man, equivalent to arse bandit)

不大稱職的家嫂 (incompetent daughter in law)

食啲 清清哋 嘢 / sik dee ching ching dey yeah (eat something light and healthy)

乾炒牛河 (stir fried beef ho fun)

裙甩褲甩 / kwun lut foo lut (dress off, trousers off - when you've lost so many times when gambling, you even lose your clothes/leave without your dress/trousers)

* A compilation of phrases that the Domestic Goblin learnt over the years through other people, television or social media *

2nd Floor Back Suite / 二樓後座

曲/Music: 黃家駒/Wong Ka Kui  詞/Lyrics: 黃家駒/Wong Ka Kui  

Performed by: BEYOND

Music Video:

Lyrics in Chinese:

今天我 寒夜里看雪飘过
风雨里追赶 雾里分不清影踪

多少次 迎著冷眼与嘲笑
一刹那恍惚 若有所失的感觉




English Translation:

Tonight is bitter cold, I see snow fluttering by
With a deadened heart I set off on a long journey

My heart is freezing, my mind is wandering 

Rushing through the storm, uncertainty surrounded by mists 
Between the sky and ocean, will we change in this boundlessness 
No one can escape the changes
How many times have I faced ignorance and humiliation
Never have I given up my dreams and determination           
In a moment of distraction, a feeling of abstraction 
The love in my heart has faded without realization (Can anyone understand?)
Forgive my passion for freedom, and the untamed heart
Even someday I am also frightened, I could fall hard     

Never have I given up the ideal inside my mind
I too fear I might fall down someday
Abandoning the ideal -- everyone might do it  
Everyone has a choice to betray their beliefs           
Even if someday I have nothing but you, I wouldn’t be scared
I will always be the free spirit and proud,
I will forever sing my songs out loud,
I will walk nonstop across thousands of miles...