Monday 1 July 2024

Digital Declutter

As digital clutter does not take up traditional physical space, some people tend to turn a blind eye or try to ignore it everytime they log on. However, similar to physical clutter, dealing with this matter can also produce cathartic effects.

Social media

Decide which form of social media works for your needs and preferences. If you only use social media to keep in contact with friends and family whom you don't see very regularly or for sharing photos and life events/news, then perhaps Facebook might be a good option for you.

Don't fall into the trap of signing up for every single option out there such as Twitter/X, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, LinkedIn etc.

Cull your 'friends' list periodically to only include the important people in your life. Delete those who create drama; those who only use social media to humble brag, those who just lurk etc.

Cull your followers or those you follow periodically. Apparently, Beyonce has millions of followers on Instagram, but does not follow anyone herself.

The Domestic Goblin has wide ranging interests when it comes to YouTube videos such as exercise, fragrance, food/cooking, interior design, skincare, fashion for short people, minimalism, hoof trimming etc. Whilst there is nothing wrong with having these interests, there is no need to follow five or more YouTubers talking about the same topic. Whilst some topics are for entertainment purposes or for knowledge, some interests can be expensive and it's best to reduce the amount of temptation where possible and to just subscribe to one channel. Easier said than done!

Keep the social media profile information you display to a minimum. True friends and family should already know your gender, marital status, date of birth and where you work. Do not display information that hackers can use.

For those who haven't succumbed to social media or have deleted their account many years ago, well done! Life is much simpler! 

Email inbox

Login and check your emails periodically for personal email accounts and every working day for work email accounts. 

Make sure to delete all emails that you have read and dealt with and are no longer worth keeping.

In a work situation, create folders within your inbox to help you file/move important emails.

Unsubscribe from unnecessary retail mailing lists, job searches, society newsletters etc. They just clog up your inbox.

Block spam or unsolicited emails.

If you have several personal email accounts and have accumulated thousands of emails for an account you no longer use, delete the account. Don't let this take up digital space.

This will be an ongoing maintenance task.

Online storage
The problem with online 'cloud' storage is that photos and electronic documents are saved/dumped there and sometimes forgotten about like some 'junk drawer'.

It makes sense to save photos that you love as well as emailing them to yourself as backup. Delete any duplicates.

An up to date CV, contact list/address book and copyright-protected work/articles are worth having on file.

Electronic copies of manuals, receipts and warranties for items/products you don't even have/own anymore needs to be deleted.

Smart phones and other electronic devices
This follows a similar concept to your email inbox and will be an ongoing maintenance task.

Many of us have taken photos of our meals, exhibits and random trees etc. Once these have been uploaded onto your preferred platform and documented, you should delete after there is no more purpose or reason for keeping it.

The same goes with photos when you can't remember why you took them in the first place.

WhatsApp messages/text messages 
Do you really need to keep individual message chains from more than a year ago? Do you really scroll back through all the messages?

Do you really need to be a member of so many group chats? If there are important, useful or interesting messages being exchanged almost daily or weekly, then keep them. Inactive group chats that were started months or years ago can be deleted.

Upload the videos onto your preferred platform then only back up onto online storage or email to self those containing people who are no longer with us or those important to us or events that needed to be documented. Delete the rest.

Contact list
Review and edit your contacts list annually. You will know who are the most important people in your life and those who you love and care about the most. Also there will be those who are useful to have such as your doctor, dentist etc. Your neighbour's dog walkers best friend might not be a necessity.

Phone apps

Assess the apps you have downloaded onto your smart phone. Do they still serve a function or are they just taking up space?

Downloading apps 'just in case' takes up unnecessary memory on your phone and the only sensible choice the Domestic Goblin can think of in this category is the torch/flashlight option or the map and this is providing you have enough data to use this when outside. Sometimes, data/roaming isn't working when you're on holiday or in the middle of nowhere. This is when the physical item becomes useful.

Streaming services
Ask yourself, do you really need to subscribe and pay for every single streaming service available to you? 

The Domestic Goblin knows someone who has Netflix, Disney Plus AND Amazon Prime and yet  sometimes find themselves not able to find anything they want to watch or in the mood for.

If you don't watch live TV and don't want to pay TV license fees just to watch BBC catch-up (for example) then streaming services are a good alternative but try to limit yourself to ONE.

Copyright to J.Chan aka The Domestic Goblin

Lucky Bastards

Having binge-watched the new season of Somebody Feed Phil back in March 2024, here are the Domestic Goblin's favourite episodes:

Season Seven

~ Mumbai

Maximum city.

Mohammed Ali Road:
  • Surti Bara Handi offering 12 different types of meat stew.
  • Zahid Bhai's Indian Hotel (hotel means restaurant in India) offering Bheja fry (brain curry) served with pav (soft white bun).
  • Bombay sandwich cart: consisting of onions, cucumber, tomato, beetroot. Basically a vegetarian sandwich.
  • Burhanpur offering mawa jelebi and mawa gulab jamun (syrupy doughnuts, served slightly warm).
Dabbawalas: a lunch delivery service whereby the food are home cooked by women across the city and delivered by men on bicycles to hungry Mumbai workers.

Dehli Darbar serves baby goat in a cashew and almond sauce; mutton pathani gosht; tandoori chicken; rice pudding with saffron and pistachio.

Trishna serves a fusion of Sichuan Chinese and Indian food: calamari; jumbo prawn; lobster with chili garlic; butter garlic crab; chicken Manchurian; prawn Koliwada; fish curry.

Taj Mahal Palace Hotel serves high tea and snacks in the palace lounge: vada pav; steamed layered roulade; bun maska (you can dip in your tea); Indian sweets such as gujia.

Soam: mango lassi, Pani Puri, panki, kichidi (rice and lentil porridge).

Bombay Canteen was co-founded by Floyd Cardoz from the New York episode.

~ Kyoto

Nishiki Market: Sabazsushi (marinated mackerel sushi); deep fried pike conga eel; egg omelette; sake and pickled vegetables; mugwort mochi; koi fish cooked with sake, mirin sweetener and soya sauce.

NB: It is rude to eat while walking in Japan.

Wife and Husband coffee shop: serves the best coffee and also honey toast with cheese.

Effort with sincerity. A samurai shall not tell any lies (Samurai Joe Okada: the oldest licensed tour guide in Japan).

Samurai Joe manages his good health with bread in the morning and whisky at night.

Philosophers Walk.

Kichi Kichi Omurice: very soft scrambled eggs over fried rice with a demi glace beef sauce over the top, cooked and served by the enthusiastic and entertaining Motokichi Yukimura.

Gion, the geisha district of Kyoto. Geisha performance and tea ceremony. An art form of entertaining a guest.

Noma Kyoto pop up by Rene Redzepi: tasting menu consisting of shabu shabu of five very different seaweeds and also Shikoku lemon; prawns topped with a paste of native sea buckthorn, Madagascar pepper and seaweed salt; cuttlefish marinated in whisky vinegar and placed on ice; miso crisp with raw marinated prawn and Peachtree sap cooked in dashi; bamboo served in a cold squid broth.

Ichi-go-ichi-e (a tea ceremony term for really cherishing an experience because you can't recreate the same moment ever again).


Juu-go, a buckwheat noodle restaurant specialising in soba mash and soba. 

Shokunin spirit (an artisan who has mastered their profession). Great pride is taken in even the most menial or lowest of tasks.

Kazariya (located outside the Imamiya Shrine) is
a sweet shop specialising in aburi-mochi (mochi coated in a toasted soybean powder).

LURRAº owned by Jacob Lear serves oysters from the Hiroshima region with a sauce made out of roasted yeast and smoked butter; trout from the mountains of Iwate. A place that has a meticulous reverence to beauty and order.


"In Kyoto, hearing the cuckoo
I long for Kyoto"
(Matsuo Basho)

~ Taipei

Pork knuckle soup at Xinzhuang Temple Market in Dadaocheng.

RAW: Guests participate in creating their menu from all the ingredients sourced for the season. There are 729 combinations.
  • Fresh squid, peanut butter and fresh sea urchin
  • Wagyu beef cured in combu salt with tuna belly oil
  • Goats cheese ice cream with caviar on top

Jiufen Street: fish ball soup with pork filling; green tea mochi rice cake with mustard green filling.

Amei Tea House.

Keelung Night Market: one bite sausage with garlic; nutrious sandwich (meat, veg and mayo in deep fried bread).

Longtail Restaurant: 
  • Crispy nori rice, Hokkaido uni and ostera caviar
  • Shrimp slider on a brioche bun with pickled onions on top
  • Wagyu beef tartare with scallion pancake underneath 
  • Foie gras dumpling

Scallion pancake with an egg inside.

Pork rice at Wangs Broth served with sides of cabbage and bamboo shoots.

Palais de Chine Hotel: Taiwanese breakfast buffet.

Din Tai Fung: Xiaolongbao (soup dumpling).


Bonus mention

~ Bait Maryam in Dubai

Levantine home cooking.

Upon Phil's first bite of Kibbeh Nayyeh (raw lamb, bulgur and spices) prepared by the owner/chef Salam Dakkak, he felt momentarily transported to another dimension. Phil felt the emotion and the love in the food.


"A happy, hungry man
Is traveling all across the sea and the land
He’s trying to understand
The art of pasta, pork, chicken and lamb
He will drive to you
He will fly to you
He will sing for you
And he’ll dance for you
He will laugh with you
And he’ll cry for you

There’s just one thing he asks in return
Can somebody, somebody feed Phil
Somebody feed him now..."

Could I Have a Veal Cutlet?

Season Seven

A joke for Max by Judy Gold:

So these two elderly men, they're very close friends. Right before the pandemic, one of the men becomes a widower and they don't see each other for a couple of years. Then they meet up for lunch.

One man says to the other: How are you doing? How was the pandemic? I'm so sorry you didn't have your wife with you.

And he said: You know, I'm doing really, really well.

He said: Are you seeing anyone?

And he said: Actually, I'm seeing twins.

Twins? How can you tell them apart?

Well, Nicole has this beautiful tattoo of a red rose on her lower back...and Rob has a cock!

Washington D. C.
A joke for Max by Norman Lear (aged 101):

I walked into my bedroom and my wife is there. I tried to dress up as sexy as I could and I said: We're going to have some super sex!

She says: Well, I'll have the soup.

A joke for Max by Fran Drescher:

God tells Adam: I have a gift for you. The gift of woman. She is gonna do everything you say. She is going to agree with everything you say  she is gonna always want to have sex with you and she is gonna cook and clean all the time.

Adam says: How much will a gift like this cost me?

God said: An arm and a leg.

Adam thought: Well, what would a rib get me?

A joke for Max by Tom Papa:

A woman walks into a pharmacy and says to the pharmacist: I'd like a poison that'll kill my husband but make it look like he died of natural causes.

The pharmacist says: Ma'am, I'm gonna have to call the police and report you.

The woman removes something from her pocket and she slips it to the pharmacist.

The pharmacist opens it, looks at it and discovers that it's a picture of her husband making love to the pharmacist's wife.

The pharmacist folds it up, leans into the woman and says: Oh you should have told me you had a prescription.

A joke for Max by Ted Danson:

This older couple go to their friends home for dinner. There's a gentleman there and his wife goes to talk to the women and he talks to his.older gentlemen friends. 

They look at him and they say: You look fabulous. You seem really sharp.

And he says: I am. I have been taking this medication for memory and it's working miracles.

And one of the guys says: Boy, I could use that. What's the name of it?

And he says: It's uh... It smells beautiful. It's a flower, it's a stalk that has thorns on it.

A guy says: Rose?

He says: Yeah, rose. Rose! What's the name of that medication I'm on?

A joke for Max by Pete Holmes:

There are these two hunters in the woods and they come upon this huge hole in the ground. They pick up this big rock that's nearby and throw it in the hole.

They listen and ten seconds later - bam! They finally hear it hit the ground. All of a sudden hauling so fast - boom! A goat comes running between them and knocks them apart and jumps in the hole. Goat falls in the hole.

They're like, what? What was that? Ten seconds later, a farmer comes up and goes: Have you guys seen my goat?

And they go: I don't know, what did he look like?

The farmers like: He's got to be around here somewhere, I tied him to a big rock.

Two jokes for Max by Kevin McGahern:

~ First joke: One night old Mrs McMillan answers the door and it's her husband's colleague, Paddy. Paddy's got his cap in his hand. He looks morose.

She's like: Paddy, what's going on? I haven't seen you since this morning since you and my husband went off to work in the Guinness factory.

He said: I've got some terrible news. I'm afraid your husband fell into a vat of Guinness and died.

Poor Mrs McMillan is so distraught, tears rolling down her face.

She's like: Oh my God, this is awful. I mean, did he at least go quickly?

And the guy says: Not really. He got out three times to pee.

~ Second joke: Paddy Irishman goes to the zoo. 

The zookeeper says: I don't know, I'm pretty worried. Our gorilla is in heat. I need someone to sort of relieve the gorilla. Would you know of anyone who would have sex with this gorilla for 500 Euros?

And the Irishman thinks: Alright, I'll do it, but I got three conditions:

1) No kissing
2) None of my family can ever find out about this
3) Give me a couple of days to come up with the money.

A joke for Max by Paula Poundstone:

A guy calls alaw firm, the law firm of Schwartz, Schwartz, Schwartz and Schwartz.

A person answers the phone and he says: Schwartz, Schwartz, Schwartz and Schwartz.

The guy says: Can I speak with Mr Schwartz please?

The guy says: Sorry, he's at lunch.

And he goes: Then could I speak with Mr Schwartz?

And he goes: Uh...he's in a meeting right now, I am sorry.

And the guy goes: Well is it possible I could speak with Mr Schwartz?

And he says: You know what? He's out sick today. I can leave a message.

The guy goes: No,that's okay. Could I speak with Mr Schwartz?

And he goes: Speaking.

* Information taken from Season Seven of Somebody Feed Phil *