Thursday 1 February 2024

Kembleston Olimpicks

Hambleston versus Kembleford

Shin Kicking

Dwile Flonking

Spinach Eating

Stone Lifting

Wife Carrying 

Toe Wrestling

Barrel Rolling

"True happiness is impossible to conceal." (Father Brown: Series 11, Episode 1)

Sister Boniface's Crime Kit



Magnifying glass


Aluminium powder


"Fudgeberries and cream!"
(Sister Boniface) 

Father Brown: Series 11, Episode 2


A food fayre comes to 1950s Kembleford to introduce people to food from all around the world.
  • Lei Yen, head chef of Five Spice Province - one of London's best Chinese restaurants. Serving Szechwan prawns and beef chop suey.
  • Rafi Faridi, owner of The Cinnamon Ruby - one of the best Indian restaurants in Birmingham. Serving samosa and pakoras; dhal tarka - lentils with garlic; Chingri Malai curry. The spices and the love are from Bihar.

Series 11, Episode 4 of Father Brown

Osric Wolf

The Quill of Osric Award nominees for the best crime novel by a Cotswold author are:

  • James Langford for The Return of Lulu And Lucia
  • Uncle Mirth for Goodbye, Mr Kafka
  • Jack Wilmot for The Eye of Lykos
  • Walter Mitford for The Stiletto Dagger

Father Brown: Series 11, Episode 6

Science v Religion

Father Brown: Be it lectern or pulpit, last minute preparation is always a good idea.

Professor: Don't let the spiritual setting deceive you Father. There is no comparison between your profession and mine. Unlike religion, science is absolute.

Father Brown: I think science has its limitations. It can't explain joy or love. And it certainly can't save your soul. 

Professor: Sentimental defence of an irrational dogma.


Professor: Would you care to observe my midday lecture, Father? You'll like it. It's on the burden of proof.

Father Brown: I'd be delighted, Professor. And perhaps you'll attend my Sunday homilly, on the gift of doubt.

Father Brown: Series 11, Episode 7

Miss Kipley

"Be not overcome by evil, but overcome evil by good" 

ROMANS 12:21

Quoted in Father Brown: Series 11, Episode 9