Monday 1 January 2024

The House of No Imagination

Monica inherits her aunt Slyvia's dollhouse and invites Phoebe to play. The following evening, Phoebe is ready to play and brings:

An enormous ceramic dog
Phoebe: Every house should have a dog.
Monica: Not one that can pee on the roof!
Phoebe: Maybe it's so big because the house was built on radioactive waste.

Ghost for the attic
Monica: I don't want a ghost.
Phoebe: Well, nobody wants a ghost but you got one because the house is sitting on an ancient Indian burial ground.

Phoebe: Quick, dinosaur attack! Quick, everyone into the house!
Monica: No dinosaurs, no ghosts and no giant dogs okay? They're not the right size, they're not Victorian and they just don't go.
Phoebe: Come dinosaur, we're not welcome in the house of no imagination.


Phoebe creates her own dollhouse and it has:

~ A slide instead of stairs
~ A licorice room where you can eat all the furniture
~ When guests come over, they can stay on the tootsie roll-away bed
~ An aroma room

Ross: This is the coolest house ever!

In addition, Phoebe's dollhouse lights up and blows bubbles.

Chandler: Hey, my father's house does that.

Residents of the dollhouse:
~ Giraffe
~ Pirate
~ Foster puppets


Information derived from FRIENDS S3:E20.

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