Wednesday 1 June 2022

3 Foot 10 & in High School

Young Sheldon's fears
  • Dogs
  • Birds
  • Insects
  • Germs
  • Hugging
  • Button fly pants
  • Rivers, ponds, lakes, oceans, estuaries
  • Corduroy
  • Root vegetables
  • Squeaky balloons
  • Tinted windows
  • Take a penny, leave a penny
  • Fireworks
  • Potbelly stoves
  • Dust bunnies
  • Fuzz on peaches

The Texas Holy Trinity

~ God
~ Football
~ Barbeque

Meemaw's Secret Brisket Recipe

1 tablespoon cumin
1 cup brown sugar
2 tablespoons smoked paprika
3 tablespoons dried mustard
1 cup Lone Star Beer

Young Sheldon's Bathroom Schedule

~ Number one
First thing in the morning
Then again in the afternoon
Once more in the late afternoon (4pm/4:30pm depending on his juice intake)
Then a quick piddle before bedtime

Young Sheldon's Food 

~ Meat cooked to at least 165 degrees, except for chicken, which is 180.

~ The different foods can't touch each other on the plate.

~ Ketchup and mustard must come out of a packet. No bottles.

~ He likes spaghetti.

Young Sheldon's Favourites 

Colour: blue and khaki
Ice-cream: vanilla and orange sherbet Push Up
Food: spaghetti with cut up hot dogs in it

Young Sheldon's Drink specifications

Chamomile tea: One teaspoon of honey. An ice cube to cool it off.

Ginger ale: Canada Dry. Room temperature. Mostly flat.

Young Sheldon's objections to certain pets

~ Turtles carry salmonella.

~ Gerbils caused the plague.

~ Birds will steal his hair to make a nest.

Young Sheldon's preferred shoes

~ Brown Sperry Penny Loafers

Young Sheldon's sandwich

~ Smuckers strawberry jelly.
~ Jif creamy peanut butter.
~ White sandwich loaf from Happy Hearth Home Bakeries.

Random information

~ Home telephone number: 409-356-6049

~ Home address: 5501 Grant Avenue, Medway, Texas

Intro outfits/costumes

~ Bow-tie, cowboy boots and briefcase

~ The Flash

~ Spock/Star Trek

~ Einstein

~ Astronaut 

~ American farmer?

How young Sheldon plans to spend the $100 his meemaw gave him

Dipping his toe in the exciting world of the stock market by purchasing three shares of RadioShack.
As a shareholder, he will be partial owner of his very favourite company.

(Whilst his twin sister Missy bought a cotton candy machine).

Young Sheldon's rite of passage

Instead of rock and roll music, his concert was a lecture on black hole topology.

Instead of a stage dive, he would dive into knowledge.

Instead of guitar-shredding solos, he would witness universe shredding hypotheses.

Instead of a charismatic frontman dazzling the audience, there will be, well the exact same thing.

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