Monday 1 March 2021

Giant Country

How human beans taste according to the Big Friendly Giant aka the Royal Dream Blower:

~ Turks from Turkey taste of turkey

~ Greeks from Greece taste greasy

~ Human beans from Panama taste of hats

~ Human beans from Wales taste of fish

~ Human beans from Jersey taste of cardigans

~ Danes from Denmark taste of Labrador

~ People of Labrador taste of Great Danes

~ Human beans in Wellington taste of boots

~ The English taste of crodscollop 

~ An Eskimo is like a lovely ice-cream lolly 

~ A Hottentot warms up a cold giant

~ Human beans from Chile are very chilly

~ English school children taste of inky books

~ Swedes from Sweden taste of sweet and sour

The Other Nine Giants
  1. Bloodbottler
  2. Fleshlumpeater
  3. Manhugger
  4. Bonecruncher
  5. Childchewer
  6. Meatdripper
  7. Gizzardgulper
  8. Maidmasher
  9. Butcher Boy

* Information derived from The BFG written by Roald Dahl *

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