Wednesday 1 February 2017

Town and Gown

Perspiring dreams

The Eagle

A poet and a police station

segregation and politics

it's the catchment area

ancient seats

The vile sense of entitlement

a disease with no cure

I reject thee

* This poem was written circa 2016 and is copyright to The Domestic Goblin *

Japanese Peace Lily

Police Officer not Police Man/Woman.

Official Vocabulary no longer refers to car crashes as accidents; they are now called collisions because 'accident' implies there is nobody to blame.

Facism: System of government, characterised by extreme dictatorship - 7 across.

Hag: Evil old woman, considered frightful or ugly - 12 down.

Sandford Neighbourhood Watch Alliance:
~ Frank Butterman - Inspector, Sandford Police Service
~ Simon Skinner - Manager, Somerfield
~ Michael Armstrong - Worker, Somerfield
~ Tom Weaver - Professor
~ Joyce and Bernard Cooper- Hotel Owners
~ Robin Hatcher - Doctor
~ Phillip Shooter - Reverend/Cleric
~ James Reaper - Farmer
~ Roy and Mary Porter - Pub Owners
~ Annette Roper - Shop Owner
~ Amanda Paver - Head teacher, Sandford Primary School
~ Mr Treacher - elderly citizen
~ Greg and Sheree Fowler - wannabe actors
~ Leslie Tiller - Resident Gardener

* Information derived from the film: Hot Fuzz *

St John's Eve Dinner

Welcoming newcomers into the community. 
Embracing similarities. 
Eat, drink and be merry together.

Father Brown, Mrs McCarthy, Penelope Windermere

St Mary's Presbytery, Kembleford

Seline Crow, Eugene Bone, Dione Moon, Reverend Peter Allsworthy

Wild mushroom soup
Roast Lamb
Summer pudding

Served with elderflower and rosehip wine

* Information derived from Father Brown episode 5:2 *