Wednesday 1 February 2017

Japanese Peace Lily

Police Officer not Police Man/Woman.

Official Vocabulary no longer refers to car crashes as accidents; they are now called collisions because 'accident' implies there is nobody to blame.

Facism: System of government, characterised by extreme dictatorship - 7 across.

Hag: Evil old woman, considered frightful or ugly - 12 down.

Sandford Neighbourhood Watch Alliance:
~ Frank Butterman - Inspector, Sandford Police Service
~ Simon Skinner - Manager, Somerfield
~ Michael Armstrong - Worker, Somerfield
~ Tom Weaver - Professor
~ Joyce and Bernard Cooper- Hotel Owners
~ Robin Hatcher - Doctor
~ Phillip Shooter - Reverend/Cleric
~ James Reaper - Farmer
~ Roy and Mary Porter - Pub Owners
~ Annette Roper - Shop Owner
~ Amanda Paver - Head teacher, Sandford Primary School
~ Mr Treacher - elderly citizen
~ Greg and Sheree Fowler - wannabe actors
~ Leslie Tiller - Resident Gardener

* Information derived from the film: Hot Fuzz *

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