Friday 1 June 2012

Smoked Mackerel Pâté

~ Four fillets of smoked mackerel
~ 150ml soured cream
~ 110g cottage cheese
~ Juice of half a lemon
~ Salt, nutmeg, cayenne pepper.
Remove the skin from the mackerel and flake the fish. Then place into a liquidiser and add the cottage cheese, soured cream and lemon juice. Switch on and blend until smooth, stopping the motor and stirring the mixture half way through if you need to. Next spoon the mixture into a bowl, taste and season with salt and a pinch of nutmeg, plus a spot more lemon juice if you think it needs it. Cover with cling film and chill in the fridge before serving.

To serve, sprinkle on a touch of cayenne pepper.

Serves 8-10 people.

* This recipe was derived and adapted from a Delia Smith cookery book *.

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