Thursday, 1 December 2011

Pervert Parade

Lyrics to some of Phoebe Buffay's songs

~ The Blackout ~
New York City has no power
And the milk is getting sour
But to me it is not scary
Cos I stay away from dairy
La-la la la-la-la-la la-la

~ Babies ~
They're tiny and chubby and so sweet to touch
Soon they'll grow up and resent you so much 
Now they're yelling at you and you don't know why You cry and you cry and you cry 
And you cry and you cry and you cry...

~ Smelly Cat ~
Smelly cat, smelly cat, what are they feeding you?
Smelly cat, smelly cat, it's not your fault.
They wont take you to the vet, you're obviously not their favorite pet.
You may not be a bed of roses and your're no friend of those with noses.
Smelly cat, smelly cat, what are they feeding you?
Smelly cat, smelly cat, it's not your fault!

~ Two of Them Kissed Last Night ~
There was a girl we'll call her Betty
And a guy lets call him Neal
Now I can't stress this point too strongly
This story isn't real...

...Now our Neal must decide
Who will be the girl that he casts aside
Will Betty be the one who he loves truly
Or will it be the one who we'll call Loolie?

He must decide! He must decide!
Even though I made him up 
He must decide!

~ Grandparents ~
Now grandma's a person who everyone likes
She brought you a train and a bright shiny bike
But lately she hasn't been coming to dinner
And last time you saw her she looked so much thinner
Now your mom and your dad said she moved to Peru
But the truth is she died and someday you will too
La-la la la la la la-la la-la la la

~ Another Thing You Don't Wanna Do ~
There'll be times when you get older
When you'll want to sleep with people just to make them like you, but don't!
Cos that's another thing that you don't wanna do
That's another thing that you don't wanna do!

~ Barnyard Animals ~
Oh, the cow in the meadow goes moo
Oh, the cow in the meadow goes moo
Then the farmer hits him on the head and grinds him up and thats how we get hamburgers!

~ Sometimes ~
Sometimes men love women
Sometimes men love men
Then there are bisexuals
But some just say they're kidding themselves 

~ Holiday Song ~
Went to the store, sat on Santa's lap
Asked him to bring my friends all kinds of crap
Said all you need is to write them a song
Now you haven't heard it yet so don't try to sing along
No don't sing along
Monica, Monica, have a happy Hanukkah
Saw Santa Claus, he said hello to Ross
And please tell Joey, Christmas will be snowwwwwy
And Rachel and Chandler, (mumbles something) handler! 

~ Sticky Shoes ~
My favourite shoes so good to me, I wear them everyday
Down at the heel, holes in the toe, don't care what people say
My feet's best friend, pals to the end, with them I'm one hot chicky
Though late one night, not much light, I stepped in something icky
Sticky shoes, sticky shoes, always makes me smile
Sticky shoes, sticky shoes, next time I'll avoid the pile!

~ In The Shower ~
I'm in the shower and I'm writing a song
Stop me if you've heard it
My skin is soapy and my hair is wet
And tegrin spelled backward is nirget.
Lather, rinse, repeat
Lather, rinse, repeat
Lather, rinse, repeat
As needed!  

~ The Snowman ~
I made a man with eyes of coal
and a smile so bewitchin
How was i supposed to know
that my mom was dead in the kitchen?
La la la la la la la la la la la...

~ Two Heart Attacks ~
It only takes two heart attacks
To finally make you see
One of them won't do it
But the second will set you free
Tell all your hate and anger
It's time to say good bye
And that is just what I will do
As soon as those bastards I work for die

Yves Saint Laurent Volupte Sheer Candy Lipstick

Normally, I wouldn't gush over the packaging of products, however, these exquisite-looking tubes are an instant status symbol to have, and to hold:

N°1 Lush Coconut - A touch of deliciously golden freshness - sheer nude beige with golden shimmer.

N°2 Dewy Papaya - A discreet orange-pink pleasure - sheer fresh peach.

N°3 Juicy Grapefruit - A candy pink that sparks envy - sheer fresh baby pink with golden shimmer.

N°4 Succulent Pomegranate - A sinful desire for a fruity pink - sheer bright pink with red undertones.

N°5 Mouthwatering Berry - A bite of the forbidden fruit - sheer reddish blackberry.

N°6 Luscious Cherry - A candy delight - sheer cherry red with golden shimmer.

Gourmandise is no longer a sin...

* Domestic Goblin claims no credit for the image used in this post. The visual image used in this post is copyrighted to its respectful owner * 

The Periodic Table of Elements

1) H = Hydrogen
2) He = Helium
3) Li = Lithium
4) Be = Beryllium
5) B = Boron
6) C = Carbon
7) N = Nitrogen
8) O = Oxygen
9) F = Flourine
10) Ne = Neon
11) Na = Sodium
12) Mg = Magnesium
13) Al = Aluminium
14) Si = Silicon
15) P = Phosphorus
16) S = Sulfur
17) Cl = Chlorine
18) Ar = Argon
19) K = Potassium
20) Ca = Calcium
21) Sc = Scandium
22) Ti = Titanium
23) V = Vanadium
24) Cr = Chromium
25) Mn = Manganese
26) Fe = Iron
27) Co = Cobalt
28) Ni = Nickel
29) Cu = Copper
30) Zn = Zinc
31) Ga = Gallium
32) Ge = Germanium
33) As = Arsenic
34) Se = Selenium
35) Br = Bromine
36) Kr = Krypton
37) Rb = Rubidium
38) Sr = Strontium
39) Y = Yttrium
40) Zr = Zirconium
41) Nb = Niobium
42) Mo = Molybdenum
43) Tc = Technetium
44) Ru = Ruthenium
45) Rh = Rhodium
46) Pd = Palladium
47) Ag - Silver
48) Cd = Cadmium
49) In = Indium
50) Sn = Tin
51) Sb = Antimony
52) Te = Tellurium
53) I = Iodine
54) Xe = Xenon
55) Cs = Caesium
56) Ba = Barium
57) La = Lanthanum
58) Ce= Cerium
59) Pr = Praseodym
60) Nd = Neodymium
61) Pm = Promethium
62) Sm = Samarium
63) Eu = Europium
64) Gd = Gadolinium
65) Tb = Terbium
66) Dy = Dysprosium
67) Ho = Holmium
68) Er = Erbium
69) Tm = Thulium
70) Yb = Ytterbium
71) Lu = Lutetium
72) Hf = Hafnium
73) Ta = Tantalum
74) W = Tungsten
75) Re = Rhenium
76) Os = Osmium
77) Ir = Iridium
78) Pt = Platinum
79) Au = Gold
80) Hg = Mercury
81) Tl = Thallium
82) Pb = Lead
83) Bi = Bismuth
84) Po = Polonium
85) At = Astatine
86) Rn = Radon
87) Fr = Francium
88) Ra = Radium
89) Ac = Actinium
90) Th = Thorium
91) Pa = Protactinium
92) U = Uranium
93) Np = Neptunium
94) Pu = Plutonium
95) Am = Americium
96) Cm = Curium
97) Bk = Berkelium
98) Cf = Californium
99) Es = Einsteinium
100) Fm = Fermium
101) Md = Mendelevium
102) No = Nobelium
103) Lr = Lawrencium
104) Rf = Rutherfordium
105) Db = Dubnium
106) Sg = Seaborgium
107) Bh = Bohrium
108) Hs = Hassium
109) Mt = Meitnerium
110) Ds = Darmstadtium
111) Rg = Roentgenium
112) Cn = Copernicium
113) Uut = Ununtrium
114) Uuq = Ununquadium
115) Uup = Ununpentium
116) Uuh = Ununhexium
117) Uus = Ununseptium
118) Uuo = Ununoctium

* Information derived from the website: *