Monday 1 August 2011

Pretentious/Annoying Things I Would Never Do

~ Waltz into Starbucks and order a "half-caf, double tall, easy hazel nut, non-fat, no foam, with whip, extra hot latte" (FRIENDS S3:E5)

~ Drive a maroon-coloured BMW or a minty-green-coloured Mercedes Benz.

~ Overly fixate on conceiving a child of a specific gender regardless of how many attempts it takes.

~ Purchase a hugely expensive house that I hated, knock it down, and build a different one.

~ Complain about free stuff.

~ Convert to Christianity just so I can get married in a church.

~ Jump on the Apple Mac, iPhone or iPad bandwagon.

~ Claim to be a vegetarian and still eat chicken.

~ Send out smug and boastful holiday photo cards.

~ Drink directly from a milk carton whilst waiting for a bus.

~ Drink condensed milk straight out of the tin whilst sitting on the tube.

~ Read a kindle book whilst walking down the street.

~ Own a very poky apartment and still insist on hiring a live-in foreign domestic helper in order to keep up with the Jones'.

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