Thursday 19 May 2011

Mama's Little Bakery

No-Bake Cheesecake

~ 125 grams plain digestive biscuits
~ 75 grams unsalted butter
~ 20cm springform tin
~ 300 grams Philadelphia
~ 60 grams icing sugar
~ One teaspoon vanilla extract
~ One lemon
~ 250ml double cream
~ Hedgerow fruits conserve

Blitz the plain digestive biscuits and the unsalted butter into crumbs.

Tip into a 20cm spring form tin.

Mix the Philadelphia; icing sugar; vanilla extract and lemon juice in a bowl.

In a separate bowl, mix the double cream until thick. Fold the cream into bowl number one.

Layer into the spring form tin. Put in the fridge for three hours (or overnight).

Remove from spring form tin. Then put topping on - use any fruit conserve. Warm it up in a saucepan first to make it easier to spread. Adding lemon juice to the fruit conserve can help to cut through the sweetness.

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