Wednesday, 1 November 2023


 Translucent glass, like unpolished diamond 

Hiding its contents

Shaped like a snake

A scent as old as the insides of pyramids

A scent as old as dark and unforgiving as the death of Kings

Eau de Athletes Foot

* A found poem composed by the Domestic Goblin in May 2023. Inspired by The Perfume written by Caroline B. Cooney *

Forever Summer

Ideal world inhabited by the chef
Lyrical insistence

Summer, a hopeful projection
Extending that purring sense of sunny expansiveness

Summer food
Ideas hungrily mooted

Slut Red Raspberries in Chardonnay Jelly

* A found poem composed by the Domestic Goblin in August 2023 - inspired by Nigella Lawson *

Paint Jobs

Daffodil White
Timeless Chalky
Elephants Breath
October Mist
Burnt Lilac
Amalfi Grimace 
Toasted Plum
Hale Navy
Benjamin Moore Calypso Green

Bonus colour:
Sandbar White 
(To suppress all creative thought and hide the asbestos)

* Colour names taken from various sources *