Saturday 1 April 2023

Victoria & Abdul

6:30pm: Dinner in the Great Hall, Windsor

Dinner Menu / order of events

Potage Saint-Germain with puree de Madeleine

Fish course 
Morue aux huites

Quenelle with regency sauce

Pain d'epinards
Tartelettes a la Suisse

Ceremonial presentation of a Mohur
Mohur: a Moghal coin to honour Her Majesty's service to the subcontinent.


The Royal Pudding presented by Mr Karim and Mr Baksh

A jelly pudding made from the liquor of fruit.

Queen Victoria's Durbar Room - a banqueting hall located at Osborne House on the Isle of Wight, designed by John Lockwood Kipling in an elaborate and popular Indian style. 

Carvings from Uttar Pradesh.

Carpet woven in a jail in Agra.

The Peacock Throne - an exact copy of the one in Agra.


* Information derived from the film Victoria and Abdul *

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