Wednesday 1 February 2023

Nestle Toulouse

FRIENDS Series 7: Episode 3. The One with Phoebe's Cookies

As their engagement present, Monica asks Phoebe for her grandmother's secret chocolate chip cookie recipe.

Unfortunately, the recipe did not survive the fire in Phoebe's apartment. Instead, Phoebe gives Monica the last cookie from the last batch she made and froze.

Monica and Phoebe start by tasting small pieces of the last cookie to try and figure out the ingredients.

Joey returns home from his sailing lesson with Rachel and grabs the last morsel of the last cookie and eats it leaving behind a tiny crumb of Phoebe's grandmother's legacy.

Monica, Phoebe and Ross spend the next two days attempting to recreate the recipe and made at least 22 batches. They concluded that batch 17 tasted the best, but still doesn't quite taste like the cookies made by Phoebe's grandmother.

After exhausting all possible combinations, Monica gives up and asks Phoebe whether any other friends and family members would have the recipe.

Phoebe: Well, y’know I may have relatives in France who would know. My grandmother said she got the recipe from her grandmother, Nestle Toulouse.

Monica: What was her name?

Phoebe: Nestle Toulouse.

Monica: Nestle Tollhouse?!

Phoebe: Oh, you Americans always butcher the French language.

As it turns out, Monica had the recipe the whole time printed on the back of the packet of Nestle Tollhouse chocolate chip cookies in her kitchen.

Click here to watch the scene on YouTube.

Turns out, there is no nutmeg and no orange peel...

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