Thursday 1 December 2022

Ideas in Abundance

Morpheus punishes Richard Madoc with an overwhelming inspiration of story ideas when he refused to set Calliope free:

~ During a book reading, something had happened to the world outside, a Holocaust of some kind. But, the audience was safe as long as the author kept reading.

~ A story about the fraternity of critics but in reality, it was a dark brethren linked by profane rites and blood vows.

~ A city where the streets are paved with time.

~ A train full of silent women driven by a blind man.

~ A were-goldfish who transforms into a wolf at full moon.

~ A man who inherits a library card to the Library of Alexandria.

~ Two old women taking a weasel on  holiday.

~ A sestina about silence using the words dark, ragged, never, screaming, fire, kiss.

~ An old man owned the universe and kept it in a jam jar.

 ~ A man who falls in love with a paper doll.

~ Magical and alchemical relations seen as a cargo cult.

~ The sun setting over the Parthenon.

~ Sharks teeth soup.

~ A nightingale, a rose bush and a black rubber dog collar.

* Information taken from the Netflix adaptation of The Sandman series written by Neil Gaiman *

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