Sunday 1 November 2020

An Alternative to Deodorants

In September 2020, the Domestic Goblin read an article written by Lab Muffin Beauty Science regarding the use of acid exfoliators as deodorant. 

She decided to test this theory out by alternating between two products she already had to hand: the Pixi Glow Peel Pads (containing glycolic acid and rosewater) and the CeraVe SA Smoothing Cream (containing salicylic acid).

Two weeks into the experiment and so far, so good. Even though it was still warm in the UK with temperatures between 20-25°C, there was no excessive sweating or odours detected in the underarm region.

Could this be the end of buying traditional stick deodorants to control underarm odour? Watch this space...

Link to Lab Muffin's article here.

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