Tuesday 1 December 2020

Fellowship of the Ring

Frodo Baggins (Hobbit)
Ring bearer; son of Drogo, relative/heir of Bilbo Baggins.

Samwise Gamgee (Hobbit)
Son of Hamfast.
Gardener and later on Mayor of the Shire.

Meriadoc Brandybuck (Hobbit)
Commonly known as Merry; son of Saradoc.
Master of Buckland. Esquire of Rohan.

Peregrin Took (Hobbit)
Commonly known as Pippin; son of Paladin Took II.
Thain of the Shire.

Gandalf the Wizard (Maia)
Sometimes referred to as Olorin, Mithrandir, Tharkun.

Aragorn (Man)
Son of Arathorn; heir of Isildur; King of Gondor.
Sometimes referred to as a Ranger of the North, Strider, Elessar. 
Known as Strider in Bree and known as The Dúnadan (Man of the West / Númenórean) in Rivendell.

Legolas (Sindarin Elf)
Son of King Thranduil.
Of the Woodland Realm of Northern Mirkwood

Gimli (Dwarf)
Son of Gloin.
Lord of the Glittering Caves.

Boromir (Man)
Captain of the White Tower. 
Son of Denethor II, 26th Steward of Gondor.

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