Friday 1 May 2020

Paso Robles

Frank on why he finds Lindsay attractive:

~ Your facial features subscribe to the golden ratio. (One to the quantity one-half times radical five plus one).

~ You have the Folds of Aphrodite (name of the particular graceful way that the cheeks of beautiful women arrange themselves when they smile. There is a gentle creasing that begins at the cheekbone and runs downward, in a slightly arced diagonal directing the eye to the mouth).

~You're slender but not to the point of a troubled relationship with food.

~ Your curves are very sexy but not vulgar. Everything very much in proportion, firm but not overly, which I've always found prepossessing.

~ Your arms bespeak physical fitness and athleticism but nothing Sapphic.

~ And your ankles quietly aver that you will keep your body well into later age.

~ In short, you are beautiful, graceful and elegant.

~ Plus you don't dress in an overtly sexy way. You seem to understand that dressing sexy is actually the opposite of being sexy. That certain information should have to be earned rather than given away for free to anyone and everyone who passeth by your doorstep. You have taken the high road. Even in this flagrant, flaunting day and age, you have chosen to preserve mystery.

Lindsay on why she finds Frank attractive:

~ You are very handsome. 

~ You have powerful eyes.

~ Your hair will never be a problem.

~ The corners of your mouth touch but do not cross the vertical lines which bisect your eyes.

~ In profile your chin extends the same as your lower lip, which is an ideal.

~ Bodily, you feel strong and substantial, sinuous but not wiry.

~ Sartorially, you get high marks. You tuck in your shirts because you realise that tails out is a ridiculous way to dress. You wear your pants low and your shoes are legitimate.

~ And you have a beautiful penis. It's straight and balletically formed. It's not too big as to ever be a cause for concern, but it's big enough never to be the object of ridicule or scorn.

Frank: The truth is we're drawn to, and make most of our decisions based upon shapes we find appealing, and colours and textures and smells and tastes and spatial relation.

Lindsay: Groove Chew: A style of chewing used when you are really enjoying something you don't have very often.

* Information derived from a specific scene in the film 'Destination Wedding' starring Domestic Goblin's two favourite actors *

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