Friday 1 November 2019

Disdain Letter to Apple written in 2012

Reasons why the Domestic Goblin has resisted jumping on the Apple bandwagon:

Technical reason:
Apple computers (iMac etc) cannot seem to handle multi tasking and will either crash or freeze.

Publicity reason:
Over hyped.

Spoiling the young:
It is now considered a necessity rather than a luxury. Children are requesting iPads and other apple products for Xmas... what happened to jigsaw puzzles or clothes? It really makes my blood boil to see families with three or four children and they all have their own iPads! No sharing!

Social reasons:
People over rely on iPads etc to entertain themselves now when travelling on a train or hanging out with family/friends. They seem to have forgotten how to have a conversation or play real games. For example, many years ago, my cousin played "the game of life" with me on her iphone... takes all the fun out of it - I prefer the real thing...

Really dislike the implication that if you "aren't plugged in, you simply don't exist". "If it doesn't happen on your Apple iPad, it probably hasn't happened at all".

"Technology was supposed to enhance our lives, not control them."

"But Apple doesn't just want to assist you in running your life, it wants to define your life."

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